We’re looking for short fiction, think-pieces, auto/biographical writing and poetry that centres on or illuminates the diverse experiences, challenges, joys and difficulties of black gay men’s lives in the UK. Work should be previously unpublished and not more than 5000 words in length. Excerpts from longer works are acceptable so long as they stand up in themselves.
If you’d like to send us something, please save it as a doc or docx or rtf file and email it to john@teamangelica.com. Please name your file as ‘[storytitle] by [author]’. In the subject-line on the email please say ‘submission for anthology, [title] by [author’s name]’. Within the document please number pages, and in the header say ‘[title] by [author]’.
A nominal payment will be offered, along with a non-exclusive contract with Team Angelica Publishing and author copies of the anthology.
Questions/ submissions: john@teamangelica.com
Website: http://www.teamangelica.com