17 September 2010

Call for Papers: International Conference on Arts, Society and Sustainable Development (Pretoria, South Africa)

Deadline: 31 December 2010


In line with its vision to be an Arts Faculty that nurtures creativity, innovation and cultural understanding; and a mission to contribute innovatively to the socio-economic development of Africa and the world through culture-led social, economic and physical regeneration, the Faculty of the Arts at the Tshwane University of Technology is inviting abstracts for papers to be delivered at its Arts, Society and Sustainable Development Conference.

The aim of the conference is to assemble art practitioners (visual and performing), professionals, designers, academics, researchers, government officials, cultural workers, and industry partners to share creativity, knowledge, and understanding across boundaries; and to offer a platform for the interrogation of the relationship between the arts and community development. This will assist in strengthening arts’ engagement and participation and become part of the momentum that will carry our industry forward into the coming decade.

Development is a vast area of human endeavour. Development is not limited to the narrow confines of economic growth and improvement of infrastructure in the urban areas. Development is taken holistically to include “The ability of the members of a community to relate creatively to themselves, their neighbours, their environment, and the world at large, so that each one might express his maximum potential. Such development, then, has a lot to do with the distribution of power and of resources – who gets what, how, and why? It is, basically, a process of empowerment” (Pradervand, 1989: xvii).

The conference encourages debates around socio-cultural development of the community, development of products, entrepreneurship, and the economy. Aspects such as ability to brand, to determine niche markets, to develop business plans and attract customers, should be investigated because in today’s knowledge economy they play critical roles in the development of the arts and design. Are there challenges militating against the development of policies to nurture growth in the culture industries? What are the challenges?

Presentations should be geared towards centre-staging arts’ capacity to help shape the past, present and future of contemporary societies. Papers must address the conference theme and the sub-themes.

Conference Theme: Arts, Society and Sustainable Development

• Craft and national development
• Participatory theatre and community development
• Arts education and cultural development
• The arts, democratic ideals and state-building processes
• Arts and technological development
• Artistic innovation and social change
• Creative industries and economic development
• Cultural planning, policy, rural and urban regeneration
• Art products as cultural symbols
• Fashion design and entrepreneurship
• Socio-cultural aspects of clothing
• Literature/film in the service of humanity
• Multi-media and skills development
• Music industry and cultural/economic development
• Popular culture
• The arts and conflict resolution
• Entertainment technology and commercialisation.

(Presenters may not limit themselves to the listed sub-themes. Exploration of issues in related areas is encouraged).

International Conference on Arts, Society and Sustainable Development
27 – 29 June 2011 | Pretoria, South Africa
CSIR International Convention Centre,
Meiring Naude Road, Brummeria, Pretoria
Conference Dates
27 – 29 JUNE 2011

Call for Abstracts
Presenters are to submit topics/abstracts (500 words; Pdf/MS Word format) to reach the Conference Secretariat by 31 December 2010. Receipt of abstracts will be acknowledged and letters of acceptance of abstracts will be mailed on 28 February 2011.

Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
• Electronic submissions of abstracts are encouraged. Abstracts (hard copies) sent by mail will also be considered. E-mail your abstracts to Irene Botes: botesjc@tut.ac.za or Gladys Sibanda: sibandag@tut.ac.za.
• Abstracts received will be blind peer reviewed.
• Submissions must include a separate title page containing: title of paper; title, names and institutional affiliation of author(s); postal address; telephone and or/ fax numbers; e-mail addresses; and four or five keywords.
• Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference programme.
• Each abstract should be accompanied by a short bio-data of the presenter/author.
• A conference proceeding with an ISBN number will be published after the congress.

More information here.


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