20 October 2010

Call for Papers: Black Studies in the Age of Obama: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Black Identity

Deadline: 3 December 2010

The Department of Black American Studies at the University of Delaware, in collaboration with Delaware State University, Morgan State University, and Bowie State University, has extended a call for papers for an inaugural regional undergraduate student research conference for be held March 19, 2011, at Arsht Hall on the UD campus in Wilmington.

The paper should be related to the theme, broadly conceived, “Black Studies in the Age of Obama: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Black Identity.”

Complete panels and individual paper submissions may be submitted from a wide range of disciplines, including, but not limited to, journalism and public relations, Africa and Africans in the diaspora, Caribbean Studies, education, labor, community engagement, gender, sexuality, visual culture, and any aspect of the humanities.

The deadline for submissions is Dec. 3, 2010.

Proposals should be submitted electronically and must include your name, title of the paper, panel, or roundtable format, and an abstract of 150 words. They should also include the institutional affiliation of each presenter, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Submissions can be made to Carol E. Henderson, associate professor of English and interim chair of the Department of Black American Studies, at [ceh@udel.edu] or to Myna Nurse, assistant professor of English at Delaware State University, at [mnurse@desu.edu].

The conference will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Saturday, March 19, 2011, in Arsht Hall. Preregistration is $15 for non-students and free for students with ID. On-site registration is $20.

For details, contact the Department of Black American Studies at (302) 831-2897 or via email at [tjharmon@udel.edu].

More information here.


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