02 November 2010

2010 South African Women's Writing Project: Call for Submissions

Deadline: 5 November 2010

People Opposing Women Abuse: 2010 Women’s Writing Project
Opportunity type: Awards
Opportunity closing date: Friday, November 5, 2010

People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA), a NGO whose main purpose is to create a safer society that does not tolerate violence against women, and where women are powerful, self reliant, equal and respected, is calling for entries for the 2010 POWA Women’s Writing Project.

Submissions in the following categories will be accepted:

* Poetry: no longer than 60 lines
* Short story: no longer than 2500 words
* Personal essay: no longer than 2000 words

The theme for the 2010 women's writing project is: Love and Revolution

Love and Revolution are two words that are rarely used together. Where love is associated with passion, desire and romance, revolution is often associated with revolt, uprising, riot and change, these seemingly opposing emotions. Yet often when we talk about love, what we are really talking about is not just the feeling of love, but its power to transform us in ways that not even we could have imagined, and the more it begins to appear that love and revolution are in fact two sides of the same coin. Sometimes the most revolutionary act is to love. And sometimes the revolution is an act of love.

This year, POWA is calling for poems, short stories and personal essays that tell of your experience of love, be it romantic love, the love of family, the love of friends, the love of community that has touched you in revolutionary ways that have altered the way you see and approach life.

All entries and queries are to be directed to:

Nehwoh Belinda
People Opposing Women Abuse
Address: PO Box 93416, Yeoville, 2143
E-mail: writingproject@powa.co.za

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.