02 November 2010

Call for Applications: Dance Writing Workshop (Goethe Institute - South Africa)

Deadline: 10 December 2010

The Dance Forum in association with the Goethe Institut-South Africa will be hosting a Dance Writers Workshop just before Dance Umbrella 2011 commences.

From February 16-18, cultural critic Zingi Mkefa will facilitate a workshop series in dance writing at the Dance Space, Newtown. The workshop will introduce writers to the creative art of dance criticism. Mkefa has put together an intensive 3-day workshop series featuring a variety of guest speakers, hands-on activities, lecture demonstrations by practising choreographers, and helpful tips on writing well.

The workshop is open to anyone who has an interest in writing about dance. Journalism students, practising journalists, choreographers and dancers and others are all encouraged to apply.

After the three-day workshop, the participants will be invited to continue working with Mkefa by watching and reviewing selected Dance Umbrella 2011 programmes and writing for a special edition newspaper that will be produced by The Citizen newspaper.

The Dance Umbrella 2011 takes place from February 26 - March 6, 2011 so interested parties must be available for the workshop on February 16, 17 and 18 and again for the period of the festival.

Interested parties must please send a CV, an 800-word sample of their writing, as well as a statement motivating why they should be selected to partake in the workshop, to georgina@artslink.co.za or call 011 492 0709 for further information.

Closing date for applications is 10 December 2010.

Dance Forum
The Dance Space
1 President Street
between Miriam Makeba and Henry Nxumalo Streets, Newtown, Johannesburg
PO Box 91331, Auckland Park 2006
tel 011 492 0709/ 2033
Fax 011 492 2030

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.