02 November 2010

Call for Submissions: Women of Color's Anthology "Boundaries & Borders"

Deadline: 15 December 2010 (Brooklyn), 1 March 2011 (open)

CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS “Boundaries & Borders”

The WOC Writers’ Community’s Editorial Committee invites you to submit your best Writing or Artwork for possible inclusion in the Women of Color’s Anthology - Boundaries & Borders!

We’re Seeking a Diversity of Voices, in all Genre, from ALL WOC Writers and Artists which broadly interpret the experiences of living within or overcoming the confines of culture, status condition or other in our lives, and those things we choose to write about - all work will be considered.

Our aim is to present new, underrepresented and captivating literary works to the world


•Types of Work Accepted:

  • Flash Fiction (100 to 500 words)
  • Poetry (5 poems max., max. of 7 pages total)
  • Short Stories (limited to 2,500 words)
  • Essays (limited to 2,500 words)
  • Nonfiction (limited to 2,500 words)
  • One Act Play (between 7 to 10 pages)
  • Original freestanding artwork (unpublished artwork must be your own - No Fee required)

Limit on Submissions: We accept up to 5 submissions per author. Please note Editors reserve the right to limit number of works published

1. Reading Fee: $10 per submission. (5 poems = 1 submission, other Genre please see above guidelines
2. Fees are nonrefundable even if work is rejected
3. Payment Method: Via PayPal or Credit Card at www.wocwriters.com, for Money order please call
4. Deadlines: Priority Submissions - WOC Brooklyn Workshop Writers Only - Oct. 10, 2010 to Dec. 15, 2010/ Open Submissions - All WOC Writers - Dec. 16, 2010 to Mar. 1, 2011


Written documents must be formatted in Word and have the “.doc” extension.

Format Word documents as follows: 1” inch margins - Double-spaced - 12 point font - Times New Roman or Arial - Number pages

All artwork must be in “.jpeg” or “tiff” format. Please note; all images will be published in black & white.


E-mail (only) submissions to: wocsubmissions@gmail.com. All work should be e-mailed as attachments.

Each submission must be e-mailed separately (up to 5 poems constitute one submission)

Before you submit, make sure to pay the reading fee for each submission via PayPal at www.wocwriters.com. Please copy your confirmation code and include it in the body of your email - with your submission (Your work cannot be accepted without this code)

Email Subject Line: Subject line should only include: Genre of Work/First and Last Name (e.g. Poetry/Jane Doe)

Body of E-mail: In the body of your e-mail, include:

  • Your Full Name (Remember not to put your name on your submission)
  • Title and Genre of the Work
  • Telephone Number(s)
  • E-mail Address
  • A short paragraph description of how your submission meets the theme of Boundaries & Borders (optional)
  • Your Ethnic background (e.g. City, State, Country of origin, ethnic self identity as a women of color)
  • Year you attended the WOC Workshop in Brooklyn (Limited time
  • Payment Confirmation Code - online Credit Card or we will accept Money Orders - call 347 210 8026 for info.

Submissions will be reviewed Anonymously. PLEASE DO NOT write your name on your submission pages.

The Anthology Editorial Committee has the right to withdraw this offer at any time if sufficient submissions have been received.

Please follow the submission guidelines. Submissions that do not meet the guidelines will be rejected.



We maintain the right to edit submissions, but work will not be published without your review and permission. If your work is accepted, you will be required to sign a release form and submit a photo and short biography. You may be asked to further edit

Simultaneous submissions will be accepted, but please kindly notify us if your work has been or will be published elsewhere

CHECKLIST – Please check that you’ve followed the Guidelines - for convenience please check off the following list:

▢ Submission Guidelines were followed when preparing the entry

▢ My work fits the Anthology theme: Boundaries & Borders

▢ Punctuation and grammar have been checked and doubled checked

▢ Payment of nonrefundable $10 fee for each submission & payment Confirmation Code included in the E-mail

▢ Submitted selected work to WOCSubmissions@gmail.com ONLY

▢ E-Mail Subject line shows only: Genre of Work/First and Last Name

▢ The body of the email includes payment Confirmation Code and all required elements

▢ Deadlines: Priority Submissions - WOC Brooklyn Workshop Writers Only - Oct. 10, 2010 to Dec. 15, 2010/ Open Submissions - All Women of Color Writers - Dec. 16, 2010 to March 1, 2011

▢ Submission is an attachment, pages are numbered and the author’s Name DOES NOT appear in the work

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.