08 November 2010

University of Cairo - Azerbaijani Embassy Essay Contest: What I Know about Azerbaijan

On October 31 in Egypt a joint project of Azerbaijani embassy in this state, Azerbaijani ministry of youth and sports and University of Cairo - the essay competition called "What I know about Azerbaijan" has been declared to start, Azerbaijani embassy reported on Sunday in its press release.

Within the project it is stipulated the composition of essays on the following themes by Egyptian university students: the life and work of the nation-wide leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev, Azerbaijani history, culture, literature, art, economy, its role in the international relations and other topics.

The objective of the project is the advancement of awareness of Egyptian youth about Azerbaijan, stimulation of closer acquaintance with Azerbaijan by Egyptian students and young scientific workers and of research activity relating to this country.

The institutes of higher education of Cairo, Ayn-Shams, Al-Azhar, Alexandria, Cairo American University and other Egyptian prestigious universities are going to participate in the essay competition.

The rector of Cairo University Husam Kamil and its pro-rector Adel Zayed welcomed this initiative at its beginning. They expressed their assurance that this project will play the role of a bridge, contribute to the establishment of relations between Azerbaijani and Egyptian young people, greater strengthening of links among scientific circles and educational facilities of two states.

The coordinator of the essay competition "What I know about Azerbaijan" from Cairo University, the director of the program on research of civilizations and dialogue of cultures, Dr. Pakinam Al Shargavi has noted the specific interest displayed by Egyptian students towards the competition and underlined that such projects serve the purpose of consolidation of the friendship between Azerbaijani and Egyptian nations based on deep historical roots.

Within the project meetings of the officials of Azerbaijani embassy in Egypt with students are to be held. The students will be given additional scientific and research datas relating to the themes of essays written by them.

For closer introduction with Azerbaijan the visit of ten authors of the best essays, which are to be chosen by jury, is to be organized to Azerbaijan by the invitation of Azerbaijani ministry of youth and sports.

The shutdown of the project is specified on January 25, 2011 when the awarding of winners is to take place, the embassy reported in the press release.

More information here.


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