16 December 2010

Invitation to the Auradicals Foundation Essay Award Ceremony

Date: 17 December 2010


In acknowledging Sierra Leone's consistent progress in combating corruption in all facets, the Auradicals Foundation as part of its partnership endeavour to foster nation building instituted a national essay competition (August-December 2010) on the topic "Governance, Democracy and Corruption: The role of the Anti-Corruption Commission in addressing these concepts in Sierra Leone." As a foundation we fully acknowledge the impact of corruption on the development of Sierra Leone . It is our firm belief that such essay competitions will raise more awareness about corruption issues and proffer measures to address such a national malaise.

We are encouraged by the contestants' knowledge of the effect of corruption on good governance and the crucial role of the Anti- Corruption Commission. The quality of the essays was exemplary and we commend all participants. In due course, we will publish the winning essays on our website (www.auradicals.com). We fully acknowledge the support of all our members, essay assessors, patrons, and partners who ensured the success of this initiative.

It is our belief that tackling corruption should continue to be of high priority on the national agenda and we applaud H.E Ernest Bai Koroma's 'zero tolerance' campaign to tackle corruption. The fight against corruption requires more than political will; it is a patriotic duty of all Sierra Leoneans to ensure corruption becomes a matter of history if Sierra Leone is to emerge from decadent underdevelopment to prosperity.

We also use the opportunity of the Award ceremony to call on development partners to continue to support strong leadership of the Anti-Corruption Commission, but most importantly the political stakeholders, and the citizenry of the land that we love, our Sierra Leone to never relent in the fight against corruption.

As a charitable foundation, we consider it a national responsibility to complement the government's fight against corruption, and we hope to embark on similar ventures annually, as a way of raising awareness on corruption, its adverse consequences and how it could be addressed as a national concern.

We invite members of the media and interested organisations to the Auradicals Foundation 2010 Essay Award Ceremony on the Anti- Corruption Commission, at 1 pm on Friday, 17th December, 2010 at the Anti- Corruption Commission Conference Hall, 3 Gloucester Street, Freetown.

More information here.


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