09 December 2010

Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards


These Awards reward the translation of science fiction, fantasy and related fiction from other languages into English. They exist both to promote the fiction of non-English-speaking authors and to highlight the valuable work done by translators.


The award Jury shall consist of five persons selected by the Board of Directors for their knowledge of and standing in the field.

The Jury shall be assisted by an Award Administrator appointed by the Board.


Two awards will be presented: one for long form literature (40,000 words and above) and the other for short forms.

The awards will consist of a trophy and a cash prize [value to be determined]. A copy of the trophy and an equal share of the cash prize will be given to both the author and the translator. In the case of multiple authors or translators, or a tie, multiple trophies will be awarded but the size of the cash prize will not be increased.

In addition to the winners in each category the jury will provide a short list of honorable mentions in each category, which shall be no more than 10 works, and no less than 3. No prizes other than publicity will be given for these works.

Determination of the winners and short lists, subject to the award rules, will be the sole responsibility of the current year’s Jury.


Works will be eligible in the calendar year in which the English language versions are published.

All forms of science fiction, fantasy and related literature are eligible, including work written for children and work published online. The work may be published anywhere in the world. Illustrated works such as graphic novels, comics and children’s picture books are eligible, but the Jury will generally consider only the text as art does not necessarily require translation and could therefore give an illustrated work an unfair advantage. (Exceptions to this may occur – for example if art has been altered for culture-specific reasons as part of the translation.)

Works may be suggested for consideration by the Board, the Jury, the Advisory Group or any member of the public.

The Award Administrator will keep a list of works considered by each year’s jury. A work which is not considered in its normal year of eligibility, for whatever reason , may be considered in the following year if it is suggested. Works may not normally be eligible in more than two years. However, if a work is not made known to any Jury until more than two years after publication it may be considered by special dispensation of the Board .

The Jury may choose to consider works from the previous year’s short lists as potential winners. This would normally be done if there is a shortage of high quality candidates, or if the previous year was known to have produced more than one outstanding candidate.

The current intention is to present the awards at the Eaton Conference which takes place at UC Riverside in California in the spring. The first set of awards will be for works published in the calendar year 2010.

More information here.


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