14 January 2011

Call for Essays: Prisons, Peace, and Social Justice Issue of Peace Review

Deadline: 15 April 2011

Call for Essays: Prisons, Peace, and Social Justice

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice is an international journal distributed in more than 50 nations. We seek essays on the above theme for a special issue.

"During the civil rights movement and the peace movement against the Vietnam War, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that the bombs we drop overseas explode in our own cities. There was hope at the demise of the Cold War that the Military Industrial Complex would be dismantled. Instead, it has expanded to many more fronts-including the domestic front, where it is paralleled by the 'Prison Industrial Complex'...The domestic 'war on crime' calls for a domestic peace agenda" (Magnani and Wray, Beyond Prisons 2006, 4-5).

"The peace movement provides us with an analysis of events and alternative solutions to foreign policy problems. A similar nonmilitary interpretation of crime and justice issues is needed. Solutions free from the violence of caging or death are required. It is essential that [prison] abolitionists join together to begin to build that kind of movement capability. In the eyes of some, we are already bound together. They have dismissed us as 'dreamers, crackpots and sentimentalists'" (Critical Resistance, Instead of Prisons 2005 [1976], 18-19).

"The prison is like a rather disciplined barracks..." (Foucault, Discipline and Punish 1977, 233).

Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice (Routledge) is dedicating issue 23.3, "Prisons, Peace, and Social Justice," to exploring the intersection of Peace Studies and Prison Studies, two burgeoning interdisciplinary fields that promise to challenge basic assumptions about the modern world and offer radical analysis and possible solutions. Essays are welcome on any aspect of this issue's theme, broadly conceived. Submissions that address global issues and perspectives are especially encouraged. Topics may include but are not limited to:

Restorative justice, transformative justice, militarism and the carceral society, theorizing the domestic and foreign "enemy", critiquing deterrence based arguments for war and prison,books not bombs, education not incarceration: a penal/war economy, public education, and democracy, peacemaking as a viable alternative to aggression and banishment, rethinking occupation and criminality, war at the borders: immigrant detention and the right to free movement, forgiveness and the death penalty, invisible legacies: psychological trauma from war and incarceration, LGBT oppression and state violence, capitalist globalization and the normalization of cages and weaponry, philosophical arguments about human nature in Peace Studies and Prison Studies, race, class, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, and the criminalized Other, anti-prison pacifist philosophies and practices, prison as a tool of war, imperialism, white supremacy, and class domination, violence of the "war on crime" against partners/spouses, children, and communities, political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, looking again at retributivist ethics: the past or the future, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, and feminist critiques of the roots of war and incarceration, "lock 'em up" and "shoot 'em up" masculinities: toward alternative, liberatory gender constructions, nature of things: war, prison, and environmental racism, cross-cultural analysis of non-violent, non-carceral attempts to remedy conflict with social justice, pedagogies of peace, freedom, and reconciliation, taking steps toward realizing the "impossible": coalition-building and other strategies for a world without walls and wars.

Interested writers should submit essays (2,500-3,500 words) and 2-3 line bios to Peace Review no later than April 15, 2011. Essays should be jargon- and footnote-free.

See Submission Guidelines at: http://usf.usfca.edu/peacereview/guidelines.htm

Peace Review is a quarterly, multidisciplinary transnational journal of research and analysis focusing on the current issues and controversies that underlie the promotion of a more peaceful world. We publish essays on ideas and research in peace studies, broadly defined. Essays are relatively short (2,500-3,500 words), contain no footnotes or exhaustive bibliography, and are intended for a wide readership. The journal is most interested in the cultural and political issues surrounding conflicts occurring between nations and peoples.

For more information on the journal and issues of style and formatting, see: http://usf.usfca.edu/peacereview/PRHome.html.

Send essays to:

Robert Elias (Editor) or Kerry Donoghue (Managing Editor)
Peace Review
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
San Francisco, CA 94117-1080

or by email: peacereview@usfca.edu

More information here.


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