17 January 2011

Call for Papers: First International Forum on Media and Information Literacy (Morocco)

Deadline: 25 February 2011



The First International Forum on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) will be
organized by the Laboratory of Discourse, Creativity and Society: Perception and Implications at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Fes-Sais of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco on May 12-13, 2011. The forum aims to raise awareness about the importance of MIL in this media-saturated / information-overloaded world, to find ways and means to build up media and information literate societies, and to make of mass media important actors at the service of democracy, justice, and development. To this end, the forum adopts a holistic approach to MIL.

While addressing basic concepts of definition and typology, focus will be laid on approaches to MIL from various perspectives in order to provide a comprehensive view of the issue.

They invite contributions from experts and professionals in the various disciplines of human sciences of relevance to the topic of the forum: media, communication, information and communication technologies, education, curriculum development, sociology, psychology, history, geography, political sciences and international relations. The organizers also call for the participation of media organizations, research groups/centres, professional associations, civil society actors, NGOs and international organizations advocating media and information literacy for all.

The main axes of the forum include information and communication technologies; access to information and media; information and media competencies; media / information and basic rights and obligations; global information and communication orders; approaches to media and information literacy; the power of mass media and the empowering MIL; media effects and influences, media processes and industries; new trends in journalism; the watchdog function of the press; media, commerce and audiences; media, politics, and ideology; media governance, culture and ethics; and ways and means to enhance free and responsible media, and build up media and information literate societies.

Proposed papers would be welcomed, but not exclusive to topics, as the following:

* Media Literacy / Information Literacy: Theory and Practice
* Media and Information Literacy Integration in Schools and Communities
* Media and Information Sourcing, Sharing, and Evaluation
* Empowering the Media Consumers, Knowing their Rights and Responsibilities
* Creative Cultural Production Perspectives of Media and Information
* Building Knowledge Structures on MIL
* Internet Addiction Disorders and Antidotes
* Freedom of Expression / Freedom of Information: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
* News Media / News Values: Interdisciplinary Approach
* Digital Literacy / Visual Literacy: Theory and Practice/ Digital and Information Divide
* Media Ethics / Media Governance: Comparative Approach
* Media Discourse / Media Diversity: Comparative Interdisciplinary Approach
* Media and Public Opinion / Media and Public Relations: Who Shapes What?
* Media and International Relations / Media and Modern warfare: Blurred
* Interactions: Interdisciplinary Cross-Cultural Approach
* Media and Public Policy / Media and the Political Sphere: Interdisciplinary Approach
* New Trends in Journalism / Critical Media: Comparative Historical Perspectives
* Media Research / Media Audiences / Media Effects: Interdisciplinary Approach

Participation Fees: European Euro. 80


- Abstract Submission: 25th February, 2011

- Notification of Acceptance: 15th March, 2011

- Submission of Final Papers Ready for Publication: 13th May, 2011 for publication in the Edited Book of the Forum Proceedings. Manuscripts: WORD Form, 7000 words maximum.


- Submissions of abstracts are to be done by e-mail to: an.medialiteracyforum@gmail.com; Cc: Dr. Abdelhamid NFISSI and Dr. Drissia CHOUIT nfissichouit@gmail.com

- Maximum length of abstracts is 300 words.

The following details are required:

-Name, title (Dr., Prof., etc.) organizational affiliation, postal address and e-mail address

- Title of the paper

- Short biographical sketch of each participant, including main publications, field work and participation in national and international scientific events, awareness-raising campaigns, (pilot) projects aimed to enhance media and information literacy at national and regional levels, etc.

Please note that applicants whose papers are accepted for presentation in the forum are responsible for their round ticket to Fez, Morocco, while the organizers will take in charge accommodation and food for all participants from 11th to 13th May, 2011.

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.