26 January 2011

Call for Papers: North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa

Deadline: 8 September 2011
Contact: whaugh@stlawu.edu


The tenth North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa (NEWSA) will take place on Oct 21-23, 2011 at the Bishop Booth Center in Burlington, Vermont, USA.

Northeast Workshop on Southern Africa 2011 Call for Papers

This is the first call for papers and discussants for the tenth North Eastern Workshop on Southern Africa (NEWSA). We encourage scholars from all disciplines who are currently working on southern Africa (Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe) to submit proposals. The meeting will be held at the Bishop Booth Conference Center in Burlington, Vermont (USA), October 21 through 23, 2011. Located on 130 acres of forest with its own secluded beach, the center is an ideal location for scholarly conversation.

The NEWSA conference is organized around intensive discussion of pre-circulated papers. There are also many opportunities for informal conversation about work in progress. Drawing on the successful precedents of the former Southern African Research Program at Yale and the Canadian Research Consortium on Southern Africa, this program is designed to give southern Africanists the opportunity for close and intensive discussion of work across a wide variety of scholarly fields. We aim to prioritize scholarship, regardless of discipline or topic, that is evidence-based and grounded in analysis of African discourses and concepts, and which elucidates local worldviews and experience.

We encourage the presentation of previously unpublished work, and submissions from graduate students and junior faculty in particular. We especially encourage participation from professionals, scholars and graduate students in Africa, as well as those located in Europe, Canada, and the United States.

There are multiple ways to participate in the NEWSA conference. Participants may:

a) present a paper
b) propose a panel of three papers
c) serve as a discussant

Because of the high demand for participation relative to the size of the conference facility, and our desire to maintain the workshop atmosphere, we can only allow attendees who are presenting papers or serving as discussants.

If you wish to give a paper, your proposal should include your name, academic affiliation and status, paper title, and abstract. Your abstract should explain the argument you intend to make, the source of your evidence (e.g., archival, fieldwork, survey), and the contribution your paper makes to understanding significant problems in southern Africa, to furthering conceptual debates, and/or to producing new knowledge in Southern African Studies. The maximum length for the abstract is 500 words.

If you wish to organize your own three-paper panel, your proposal should include all the authors’ names, titles and abstracts for all three papers, as well as a brief rationale for how the papers complement each other. The organizers will be happy to negotiate alternative panel formats (such as open discussions of a current issue).

If you wish to serve as a discussant, your proposal should indicate the areas of southern African studies on which you are most prepared to comment. Once the conference participants are selected and organized into panels, each panel will be assigned a discussant. Discussants read the pre-circulated papers by the participants in their session, and at the conference give a 10-15 minute constructive criticism/comment on the papers individually and collectively. Discussants also coordinate discussion of the papers amongst those attending the panel.

The deadline for paper and/or panel proposals, or to volunteer as a discussant, is March 31, 2011. Please send proposals to Wendi Haugh at whaugh@stlawu.edu.

Completed papers, not to exceed 8000 words, will be due September 8, 2011, so that the papers can be pre-circulated on this conference website ahead of the meeting. For more information, please visit other pages on this NEWSA web site.

More information here.


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