13 January 2011

Call for Scholars of Gambian Literature - 21 Notes of Kora: Emerging Perspectives on the Writings of Tijan Sallah

Deadline: 31 May 2011

Contributions are invited from scholars and critics of Gambian and African literature to a proposed book of essays on the writings of Tijan M. Sallah, the Gambian poet, essayist and short story writer.

The subject is the second best known writer from The Gambia after Lenrie Peters, and a notable voice in contemporary African literature. To date, Sallah has published nine books: three collections of poetry, a book of selected poetry, a volume of short stories, two edited anthologies of poetry (the second one with Tanure Ojaide, the Nigerian poet), a literary biography of Chinua Achebe, the Nigerian novelist (co-authored with Ngozi Okonjo Iweala), and an ethnographic book on the Wolof, the dominant ethnic group of the Senegambian people. His works have also appeared in several major poetry and short story anthologies. Examples include Charles Larson's (ed.) Under African Skies (Farrar, Straus & Giroux), Achebe and Innes's (eds.) Contemporary African Short Stories (Heinemann AWS) and Ulli Beier and Gerald Moore's Modern African Poetry (Penguin).

Tentatively titled Twenty-One Notes of Kora: Emerging Perspectives on the Writings of Tijan M. Sallah, the book, when published, will represent the first extended work of critical writings both on the author and on Gambian literature. Contributions can be on Tijan Sallah's background, the tradition of Gambian and Senegambian writings, Tijan Sallah's poetry, short stories, literary biography, edited anthologies, published essays, and finally his ethnographic writing on Wolof. They can also approach Sallah's works from comparative perspectives. Of interest will be those which compare him with other Gambian writers (including Lenrie Peters and Ebou Dibba), with other African writers, and with other writers from the African diaspora. Finally, interviews conducted with Tijan Sallah in the past will also be considered for publication. Contributions following an MLA style of referencing, (with short titles and page references included immediately after each citation in the body of the work and a list of works cited compiled at the end of the essay) and which should not be more than 6000 words should be sent as attachments to emails addressed to the editor of the volume. Deadline is May 31, 2011.

Wumi Raji, Ph. D (Editor)
Department of Dramatic Arts
Obafemi Awolowo University
Ile Ife, Nigeria

E-mail: wumiraji@hotmail.com; wumiraji@oauife.edu.ng

More information here.


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