20 January 2011

The R115,000 Citadel Words on Money Journalism Award (South Africa)

Deadline: 28 January 2011

Citadel introduced this award in 1999 to reward outstanding reporting on matters related to personal finance and investment.

Previous overall winners:

  • 2000 Stephen Cranston, Financial Mail
  • 2001 Bruce Cameron, Personal Finance
  • 2002 Stafford Thomas, Financial Mail
  • 2003 Marc Hasenfuss Finansies & Tegniek / Finance Week (Now FINweek)
  • 2004 Alec Hogg, Moneyweb
  • 2005 Bruce Cameron, Personal Finance
  • 2006 Charlene Clayton, Personal Finance
  • 2007 Bruce Cameron, Personal Finance
  • 2008 Bruce Cameron, Personal Finance
  • 2009 Bruce Whitfield, 702 Talk Radio, FINweek and Best Life
  • 2010 Rob Rose, Sunday Times Business Times

1. Categories

All features entered must be about investment issues or matters related to personal finance. Judges will consider the quality of the information provided, judge the journalistic merit (writing / presentation style), factual correctness; level of research evident in entries and newsworthiness. The judges will award prizes for electronic and print entries if such entries are considered of equal standard; to provide for the significant difference in reporting styles.

Breaking News

Hard news reporting on newsworthy issues of importance to investors and consumers. E.g. Finance Minister resigns; unexpected take-overs, etc.

Analysis and opinion

Columns; opinion pieces or analysis of news events, investment issues. Judges will consider the interpretation by entrant of the news. EE.g. economic policy needs a fresh approach.

Best feature

Articles, series of articles, radio / tv programme or series of programmes about a particular issue. E.g. shake-up looming in healthcare, soon only the very wealthy can afford it; buy to let property market a risky investment selection.

Two prizes will be awarded in the best feature category: Best PRINT feature and best ELECTRONIC (television, radio or internet) feature.

Consumer education

Features, articles, series of features that provide consumers with information that will assist them in making better choices with their money. E.g. why retirement must be planned from first paycheque, how to select a financial adviser; what is risk analysis and why it is important.

Chairman's Award for Investigative Journalism

The real story behind the news. Judges will consider the level of research, quality of the information and writing / presentation style. For the best investigative reporting about the financial services industry and investment issues. E.g. unscrupulous advisor cost investors dearly.

Alternative investment award

Reporting on investments in alternative investment options &emdash; hedge funds, derivatives, futures.

Newcomer of the Year

Entries by journalists who have not entered the Citadel Words on Money Award before.

Overall winner

The overall winner will be selected from all entries received and will be decided after a panel discussion by the participating judges.

2. Entries

Any work published on the internet, in any print media or broadcast on radio or television can be entered.

Entrants can submit a portfolio of articles / broadcasts to a maximum of two articles / broadcasts or one series of articles / broadcasts about the same topic. Entries for the print category must be submitted in published format, clippings acceptable in a size not bigger than A4. Entries can be e-mailed.

Radio entries to be submitted on CD, clearly marked with details of entrant. Television entries to be submitted on DVD, clearly marked with details of entrant. Internet / electronic newsletter entries can be submitted on CD WITH a printed copy of the entry.

All entries must include details of publication dates, as only published work will be considered for the award.

Journalists must select category for entry. Features / articles cannot be entered in more than one category (for instance, a feature entered for the Chairman’s Award cannot be entered for another category as well).

Entries not related to the category entered will not be considered (for instance, a feature entered in the consumer education category which is not relevant to the category will be rejected).

Entry for the award is open to any journalist / reporter, full-time or freelance for any media. Copy written by Citadel staff or participating judges or investment professionals cannot be entered.

Original material submitted cannot be returned. Any reports, features or newsletters published between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2010 can be entered for the award.

3. Prizes

All winners and runners-up will receive certificates, the amount awarded for the particular category and the overall winner will also receive a floating trophy.

  • Overall winner R35 000
  • Breaking News PRINT R10 000
  • Breaking News ELECTRONIC R10 000
  • Analysis and opinion R10 000
  • Best feature R10 000
  • Consumer education R10 000
  • Chairman's Award for Investigative Journalism R10 000
  • Alternative investment R10 000
  • Newcomer of the Year R10 000

4. Closing date and entry details

All entries for the Citadel Words on Money Journalism Award must be submitted no later than 12:00 on Friday 28 January 2011. Entries must be clearly marked ‘Citadel Words on Money Award’ and sent to:

Postal Address

Daleen Cornelissen
PO Box 650777
2010 OR Physical Address

Daleen Cornelissen
Peregrine Building
6A Sandown Valley Crescent

5. Adjudicators and criteria

The entries will be considered by a panel to be appointed by Citadel. No Citadel employees will participate in the judging.

The judges will consider the following:

* Quality of information provided which will assist any level of investor to make more informed decisions about his or her personal financial affairs
* Writing quality
* An understanding of the dynamics of the South African financial services and investment environment

6. Awards ceremony

Prizes will be awarded to winners at a special ceremony to be hosted by Citadel in May 2011. All entrants will be informed of the details. Entrants are responsible for their own transport to and from the event.

Entry form >>

Inskrywingsvorm >>

More information here.


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