05 February 2011

Call for a Guest Editor and Academic Advisor for Joto Afrika (Kenya/ Uganda)

Call for a Guest Editor and Academic Advisor for Joto Afrika

Do you want to be a Guest Editor or Academic Advisor for Joto Afrika?

About Joto Afrika

Joto Afrika is a publication thatcommunicates information about climate change adaptation in sub-Saharan Africa, through printed briefings, online videos and audio broadcasts. Content for the series will include summaries of African research and community case studies, presented in a clear, accessible style. The series will provide policy lessons and useful practical ideas for adapting to climate change. Each issue will focus on a different sector or research theme that will be affected by climate change.

Joto Afrika is produced by the Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN), the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Information Department, and Africa Adapt:


Joto Afrika currently has a circulation of 8000 across Africa and internationally. It is also available online.

Guest editors

The editorial team is looking for African guest editors for the next two issues of Joto Afrika. The next issues will focus on:

· climate change adaptation and pastoralism

· climate change adaptation and energy
As guest editor, you will be required to:

· Review the list of research articles and case studies compiled by the editorial team, identify any gaps and suggest alternative articles if necessary.

· Be willing to search for relevant research articles for the issue.

· Write a 500 word editorial that informs readers of the current issues and debates, and draw together recommendations for policymakers.

· Comment on drafts of the articles, check their accuracy and suggest changes or improvements.

· Have excellent knowledge of organisations, networks, and information sources that focus on climate change adaptation.

· Help to compile a list of key people and organisations to receive a copy of the finished issue.

· Demonstrate good time management skills, working to strict deadlines.

Guest editors will need the following skills:

· A sound knowledge of recent African research published around the theme.

· The ability to write in an engaging, clear and concise manner, making complicated issues understandable to a wide and diverse audience.

· Be fluent in spoken and written English.

Further details are available on request. Joint applications are welcome and remuneration is provided.

Academic advisor

We are also looking for an African academic advisor or a non-African academic advisor working in Africa for the Joto Afrika series. The Academic advisor is selected for their broader subject knowledge and academic integrity. He/she acts as a referee and an advisor to the editorial team by providing an overview of the Joto Afrika content from a broader academic perspective and ensure an impartial approach as far as possible (e.g. that important research isn’t left out or that the discussion isn’t biased).

As an academic advisor, you will be required to:

· Ensure that the Joto Afrika theme and first outline provides a strong framework for the issue, that the research is topical, credible, up-to-date, and has strong evidenced-based findings and policy lessons.

· Review and comment on the draft articles once they have been edited by the editorial team and the Guest Editor. The Academic advisor will be required to comment on the quality of the content, academic integrity, whether the articles match the outline and overall vision agreed.

· Suggest ways in which the Joto Afrika issue might be promoted and disseminated.

· Demonstrate good time management skills, working to strict deadlines.

Academic advisor will need the following skills:

· Have an excellent understanding of the latest debates in research, policy and practice in climate change adaptation.

· Education: Minimum of a relevant Masters with at least 5 years professional experience.

· The ability to synthesise and analyse research, and key lessons for policy-makers and practitioners.

Further details are available on request. Remuneration is provided.

How to apply

If you are interested in these roles, please send a short outline, with details of your experience relevant to the role, along with your CV, to:

Esther Lung’ahi
c/o Arid Lands Information Network (ALIN)
P.O. Box 10098, 00100 G.P.O. Nairobi, Kenya
AAYMCA Building, Along State House Crescent
Off State House Avenue

Nairobi, Kenya
Tel +254 20 2731557

Fax +254 20 2737813

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.