02 February 2011

Call for South African Children's Books: Enter the R10,000 Exclusive Book IBBY SA Award

Deadline: 30 April 2011

Exclusive Books, in association with IBBY SA, is once again delighted to announce its sponsorship of the Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award, for the best original children’s picture book or illustrated children’s story book published in South Africa.

For the Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award 2011, we invite submissions of books published between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2010. The rules and conditions are detailed below.

Please send submissions (two copies of each title) to Exclusive Books Head Office before the 30 April 2011.

Colleen Whitfield
Corporate Social Investment & Children’s Books Manager
Exclusive Books
1st Floor | Rivonia Village | 3 Mutual Road | Rivonia
Tel: 011 798 0000 | Fax: 086 682 8794 | colleenw@exclusivebooks.co.za

The Rules of the Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award

1 The name of the award is: ‘The Exclusive Books IBBY SA Award’.
2 It is awarded to the illustrated literary work for children (i.e. picture book or illustrated children’s story book or illustrated book of poems) adjudged the best in the period of adjudication.
3 Books that are clearly works of non-fiction are not eligible.
4 The award is R5 000.00 for the writer and R5 000.00 for the illustrator.
5 If the writer is also the illustrator, the award is R10 000.00.
6 If there are two or more writers or two or more illustrators, the respective award is shared equally.
7 The writer and illustrator must be South Africans, whether living in South Africa or not; or non-South Africans living and working in South Africa.
8 The book must be an original work written in any of the official South African languages.
9 The book should not be a re-issue or a re-working of a previously published book.
10 The book must have been published in South Africa.
11 The award is given to a book that is recognisably South African in character.
12 The award is made every second year, from 2007 onwards.
13 The two-year period for eligibility shall be the previous two calendar years.
14 The sponsor of the award is Exclusive Books, and the judging of the award is entirely in the hands of IBBY SA.
15 The jury will ideally consist of a non-practising publisher of children’s books, an academic in Fine Art with specialisation in design and book illustration, the Chairperson of IBBY SA, the IBBY SA Executive members responsible for the awards portfolio, and any members co-opted from the areas of design, public and school libraries, academic librarianship, and book-selection for children.
16 The jury is to be convened and chaired by a member of the IBBY SA Exec.
17 No staff-member of a participating publisher may sit on the jury; no writer or illustrator of a book that is entered may sit on the jury; no one who has contributed in any way to the production of a book that is entered may sit on the jury.
18 No correspondence concerning the adjudication or the award may be entered into.
19 A shortlist of five (or fewer) titles may be published some weeks before the final award is announced.
20 The award will be announced at an Exclusive Books event in September or October in a major South African city, the date, venue and details of the event being at the discretion of Exclusive Books.
21 Exclusive Books will invite all South African authors, illustrators and publishers to submit two copies of eligible titles between 1 February and 30 April of an awarding year.
22 The publisher of the winning book must be prepared to donate a minimum of ten copies for review and promotional purposes.

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.