24 February 2011

Call for Submissions: January 25 (Revolution) Anthology

Deadline: 31 March 2011

The anthology will feature:

Accounts written by people who were involved in the lead up to the revolution – the planning stages. Why were you there? What did you hope to achieve?

Accounts written by people who were involved in the protests themselves from January 25 to February 11, both in Egypt and abroad. First hand accounts of the protests, from facing down the violence of the riot police to the creative and often humorous atmosphere that was an integral part of Tahrir Square.

Accounts of people’s reactions to Mubarak stepping down, and people’s hopes for the future. What were your reactions at that exact moment when he stepped down? What do you hope to achieve and what changes do you want to see in the country?

These questions are only a guideline. It is up to you what you want to write about. The submissions can be in the form of poetry, prose, journalistic accounts, tweets, Facebook status updates, and pretty much any other written format you can think of. Get as creative as you want. The key is to make it personal. We want to put a face to the January 25 Revolution. Most people identify Tahrir Square with arial photos of masses of people. We want to introduce the world to those people.

Events are not limited to what happened in Tahrir. We want this collection to represent all of Egypt, not just Cairo, and not just Tahrir.

We are also accepting submissions of photographs of both local and international protests.

Submission Guidelines:

Submissions are accepted in English only. The publisher has mentioned the possibility of a co-publication in Arabic of the book, but their edition will be in English.

Writers retain the copyright to their text, but we are asking for exclusive rights to the writing. This means that if you wish to use the text elsewhere, the publisher will have to grant permission. It will not be possible for the text to be used in any other similar publications coming out in the near future.

Please send submissions in the form of Word documents or Google documents.

We are also accepting submissions from photographers to be included in the anthology. If you want your photos to be considered for publication, please send us a digital copy of the image or a link to the image posted online. Photographers retain the copyright to their images.

The book will be distributed worldwide, and of course will be available in all major bookstores in Egypt.

The deadline for submissions is March 31st, 2011.

If you have any questions please send them to jan25 at diptychal dot com.

More information here.


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