08 February 2011

Call for Submissions: South African Journal of Art History

Deadline: 31 May 2011

Call for articles: art and the law

A special issue of the South African Journal of Art History, dealing with the relationship between art/ architecture/ design/ craft/ film/ photography and law, is planned for 2011. This is a peer-reviewed journal recognised by the Department of Education for subsidy purposes. Articles for this special issue will be reviewed by legal and/or art academics in the appropriate field.

From a legal perspective, the following issues may be of interest to artists/architects/designers/craft practitioners:

* Moral rights and resale rights – is protection available to an artist after sale of the artwork?
* Self-plagiarism – when do variations on a theme become mere copies of previous works?
* Legal protection for works of art, craft and architecture in South Africa – how to prevent the copying of such works.
* Inadequate protection afforded to movable artworks by the SA National Heritage Resources Act 25 of 1999 and suggestions for its improvement.
* When may a work of art be reproduced: issues relating to use for study, reproduction rights, virtual copying and parody.
* Criminal law and art. When is art pornography or blasphemy and can its status as artwork protect it?
* Computer-assisted creativity and its associated legal problems.
* Portraiture and invasion of privacy or denigration, relating to both commissioned portraits and other works where an individual is identified or identifiable.
* Commissioned art and contractual issues. What happens if the patron dislikes the work?
* Collaborative creative works and disputes arising between co-creators.
* Posthumous protection of artworks and inheritance problems.
* Art in a deceased estate and death duties.

Other articles on topics of relevance are welcomed.

The closing date for the receipt of submissions is 31 May 2011.
Please e-mail submissions to the editor: Estelle A Maré at mare_estelle@fastmail.fm. Please attach short CV (200 words) and an abstract.

More information here.


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