The award continues with the support of EU member states. A new venue and date of the ceremony will be announced in due course. The deadline for submissions of manuscripts is extended to 31 March 2011. All the benefits, prize money and partnership with Exclusive Books Homebru promotion, of the award will continue as before.
How and what to submit:
* A first, unpublished work of fiction in English (or translations of other South African languages into English)
* Recommended length of the novel between 60 000 and 100 000 words
* Only one entry per applicant
* Only South African residents can participate
* Two hard copies to be submitted in A4, typed (1,5 spacing, 12 point, margins) and securely bound; and one CD to be submitted (your name must not appear on any of these)
* With your submission, please include a biography and a synopsis for the book
* If you would like your manuscript returned to you, please include a self-addressed envelope
The award will consist of:
* R25 000 cash prize
* The manuscript will be published, marketed and distributed by Jacana Media
* The book will also be on Exclusive Book’s Homebru promotion. In Homebru, Exclusive Books and the book industry have found a vehicle rich and powerful to celebrate South Africa and its works. Reaching its tenth year it has allowed the Homebru promotion to highlight a country as broad and diverse as the books and writers it creates.
Send before 31 March 2011 to Jacana Media, clearly marked for the EU LITERARY AWARD.
Please state your name and contact details clearly. Please see postal and delivery addresses below.
Jacana Media
PO Box 291784
Jacana Media
10 Orange Street
Auckland Park
For more information on this year’s European Union Literary Award, contact: Thabiso Mahlape, 011 628 3200,
More information at Jacana website here.