Adopting as a first premise the existence of affective differences underlying the Middle Eastern and Western literary traditions, this panel undertakes the exegetical work of interpreting works from the Middle East to posit a new approach to poeticized vulnerability. Papers will track the possibilities for a new conceptualization of “vulnerability” as reflected in Middle Eastern poetry—one that eludes past epistemologies by opening unforeseen territories of experience. Here, individuated, subjective sensation and its formulation are transformed into the universalized, the cosmic, the infinite and boundless: poeticized iterations of humankind's continual indefensibility.
Specifically, we are interested in tracing the compelling ways in which vulnerability generates transformative consequences for poetic expression that then allow for unforeseen “becomings.” In exploring the theoretical territories of vulnerability, this session will consider thematic and conceptual currents such as sensation, cruelty, pain, pleasure, desire, power, laughter, loss, horror, intimacy, movement, and space. Ultimately, such intensified domains will culminate in revaluations of openness from Middle Eastern vantages.
2011 SAMLA Convention: November 4-6
Loews Hotel Atlanta
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