10 June 2011

Call for Proposals: Youth Empowerment Through Arts and Culture (EU Delegation Grant, South Africa)

Deadline: 25 August 2011

The Delegation of the European Union, in partnership with the Department of Arts and Culture, is seeking proposals to empower youth in South Africa to improve their life skills through culture, arts and sports activities. The proposals should ideally engage with disadvantaged youth, include them in organising community life and open the way for youth to make a positive contribution to local development.

The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for consultation at the EU Delegation offices at 1 Greenpark Estates, 27 George Storrar Drive, Groenkloof PRETORIA and on the following internet sites:




The deadline for submission of proposals is 25 August 2011.

An information session will be held on 10 June 2011 from 10:00 to 12:00 at the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 210 Queen Wilhelmina Ave, New Muckleneuk, Pretoria.


As part of the Youth Empowerment Programme, the Youth Empowerment through Arts and Culture Call for Proposals aligns EU support with the partner country's policies through the integration of the Department of Arts and Culture priorities.

The EU and South Africa share a common vision that the full participation of youth can contribute to vibrant, confident, self-reliant, healthy societies. In this context, Arts, Culture, Sport and Recreation have the potential to harness youth as drivers and participants in economic and social development. This is recognised in the Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement (Art 85), the over-arching framework for relations between the EU and South Africa as well as the EU-SA Strategic Partnership Action Plan. It is further confirmed in the EU-SA Country Strategy (2007-13).

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to create opportunities for youth empowerment in the sector of culture, to include youth as drivers in social and economic development in South Africa.

The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to empower youth in South Africa to improve their life skills through arts and culture activities which will engage with disadvantaged youth, include them in organising community life and open the way for youth to make a positive contribution to local development.

This call is launched in full cooperation with the Department for Arts and Culture (DAC) and supports DAC priorities for future engagement with donors, specifically targeting juvenile offenders, youth and arts, human settlement and beautification of public spaces, and persons with disabilities.

Particular attention should also be given to cross-cutting issues such as youth participation, Millennium Development Goals, good governance, HIV/AIDS, crime and violence prevention, gender, environment, collaboration with non-state actors, social cohesion and capacity building.

Young people aged 14 – 35 are the target group for proposals under this programme, with a particular focus on disadvantaged youth, including juvenile offenders, young persons with disabilities and those in rural areas.

Actions foreseen but not limited to are:
  • Arts and culture productions with young people
  • Arts and culture events targeting youth
  • Arts and Culture projects linked to high schools
  • Promotion of arts and culture in juvenile correctional facilities
  • Art in public spaces
  • EU-SA culture initiatives
  • SA culture initiatives involving youth
  • Professional/entrepreneurial training for young people on arts and culture
  • Training on arts and culture administration
  • Arts and culture research
  • Capacity-building for national/provincial networks on arts and culture
Expected Results (Priorities)

The expected results of the programme of the Youth Empowerment through Arts and Culture Call for Proposals:

1) Youth in poor communities have improved access to cultural activities/heritage, including indigenous knowledge systems.
a) Arts and culture initiatives (music, theatre, dance, film, literature etc) in poor communities are supported.
b) EU-SA culture events/initiatives to showcase EU-SA collaboration are supported.
c) SA youth arts and culture events/initiatives are supported.

2) Training for youth in the field of arts and culture have been developed and implemented.
a) Culture sector training is delivered to disadvantaged youth.
b) Training for youth in the field of arts and culture are developed.

3) The capacities and networks of culture organisations targeting the youth are strengthened/established.
a) Coordinating mechanisms with communication capacity, covering all 9 provinces of South Africa are functioning.
b) Management and networking capacity of cultural organisations are developed.

Grant recipients will be obliged to provide information on project activities, actions, publications etc to the EU Delegation and/or the Department for Arts and Culture (DAC) for possible publication.

Grant recipients have to comply with the guidelines on communication and visibility as set out in the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU External Actions.

Download Guidelines for Applicants >>

Download application form >>

Contact Information:

For submissions: The Delegation of the European Union to South Africa, PO Box 945, Groenkloof 0027, PRETORIA, South Africa

Website: http://www.dac.gov.za/


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