07 June 2011

Nigerian Film Corporation 2011/ 2012 Film Essay Competition

Deadline: 1 July 2011

TOPIC of the 2011/2012 Film Essay Competition, organised by Nigerian Film Corporation (NFC) is Re-emergence of the Cinema: Impact on the Local Industry and National Economy.

Organisers announced this in a statement issued recently. 2011/2012 marks the sixth edition of the essay competition which began in 2005. Entries begin June 1 and closes on July 1, 2011.

Interested members of the public, who must be 18 years and above are eligible to enter their essays. However, members of staff of the NFC, their spouses and wards are not eligible to participate. Also, winners in the immediate past three editions of the Film Essay Competition are not eligible. Entries must have a minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 pages, double space typed, with the Calibri font type, 14 point size and on A4 paper.

The essays should be forwarded to the following addresses of the Corporation: Nigerian Film Corporation Headquaters, in Jos Plateau State; NFC Office, in Lagos; NFC Office in Wuse Zone 5, Abuja; NFC Office, Kano State Secretariat, Kano or preferably through the Corporation’s e-mail addresses: md_nfc@hotmail.com or contact @nfc.gov.ng

Winners will be contacted through their official addresses while their certificates of participation and prizes will be presented during ZUMA Film Festival 2012 in Abuja.


Contact Information:

For inquiries: md_nfc@hotmail.com or contact@nfc.gov.ng

For submissions: md_nfc@hotmail.com or contact@nfc.gov.ng

Website: http://www.nfc.gov.ng


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