25 June 2011

Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature 2011 (South Africa/ Namibia/ Botswana/ Lesotho/ Swaziland)

Deadline: 30 June 2011

Writers are reminded that Sanlam and Tafelberg are once again awaiting entries for the Sanlam Prize for Youth Literature. This time round the organisers are looking for a story in which hope plays a role. Manuscripts in any of the official languages will be accepted.

Categories are:

* English,
* Afrikaans,
* Nguni-languages,
* Sotho-languages,
* Tshivenda,
* Xitsonga and
* SiSwati.

In each category there are two prizes: Gold (R12 000 in cash and publication) and Silver
(R6 000 in cash and publication). The deadline for entries is 30 June 2011. Unfortunately e-mail submissions are not allowed. The organisers request entrants to keep a copy of their entry. The names of the finalists will be announced before the end of 2011, and the names of the winners and the launch of the winning books will be in 2012.


1. The competition is presented in six categories: Afrikaans, English, Nguni languages, Sotho
languages, Tshivenda and Xitsonga.

2. There are two prizes in each category: Gold prize: R12 000, Silver prize: R 6 000

3. Requirements: A story in which hope plays a role. It should be suitable for young readers
(between 12 and 18 years). Length: 25 000 to 45 000 words.

4. Tafelberg undertakes to publish the winning entries and reserves the first option to publish
any of the other entries.

5. While under consideration entries may not be submitted for publication elsewhere until the
publishers have confirmed in writing that the manuscript has been turned down for publication.

6. The judges reserve the right to withhold one or more of the prizes should the quality of the entries not be up to standard.

7. The competition is open only to citizens of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and

8. Entries should be typed or printed out on A4 paper, with double spacing and broad
margins, on one side of the paper only, and clearly numbered. Do not bind. The organisers cannot accept e-mail entries.

9. As entries are judged anonymously, writers are requested to ensure that their names
appear only on the title page of the entry and nowhere else.

10. Each entry must be accompanied by a signed entry form or a copy thereof.

11. Entries may not be submitted under a pseudonym.

12. Entrants are requested to keep copies of their entries. The organisers cannot accept final
responsibility should an entry go astray.

13. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

14. Closing date: 30 June 2011.

Download entry form >>

Contact Information:

For inquiries: Contact Danita van Romburgh at NB Publishers at (021) 406 3412 or dvanromb@nb.co.za.

For submissions: Danita van Romburgh, PO Box, 879, Cape Town, South Africa 8000

Website: http://www.nb.co.za/


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