01 July 2011

Call for Submissions: Sentinel Nigeria Magazine No. 7

Deadline: 28 August 2011

The Sentinel Nigeria Magazine is calling for submissions from Nigerian, and African, writers in the following genres:

-Reviews & Essays
-Translations {African languages and French to English}
-Video performance poetry {under three minutes}

All entries should be sent to submissions@sentinelnigeria.org together with a 100-word bio and a profile picture.

Submission Guidelines

Poems: Submit up to 6 poems on any subject of 60 lines or less, or a long poem up to 200 lines plus 2 shorter poems.

Fiction: Submit Short Stories, or Excerpts from Novels on any subject or theme up to 5,000 words long.

Essays: Academic essays may be up to 6,000 words long.

Plays: Up to 5,000 words.

Reviews and Interviews: These may be up to 3000 words long.

All materials submitted must be in English Language. We encourage poems written in Nigerian languages as long as they are sent together with appropriate translations.

The name of the author as he/she would like to be credited must appear on the materials.


All submissions should be in Microsoft Word and MUST attached to an email saved in this format:

Title of Submission – Authors Name

{Example – “Divisadero – Michael Ondaatje.doc”}

Include biographical information up to 100 words long in the body of the e-mail.

Keep the bio to the point: Your name, where you live, and your publications. If you have won some awards, feel free to blow your own horn. There is no need to say you are a creative person or are heading for writing mastery. Let your work speak for you.

Copyright: Once we accept materials for Sentinel Nigeria, we acquire the copyright until they have been published. 90 days after publication, the copyright reverts to the authors.

Simultaneous Submissions: We discourage simultaneous submissions. The turnaround time is 8 weeks.

Previously Published Work: Generally we discourage submissions of previously published work. If we feel strongly about a previously published work we may solicit it. If your work has been published elsewhere and you feel it has not been given the exposure it deserves, and you feel strongly about it, by all means submit it, but please mention where and when it was first published.

Important: Please submit only materials that are your original work. Bear in mind that Sentinel Nigeria is a magazine and not a blog or discussion forum. Therefore the form and content of any work published in the magazine is final and any aspect of the work, or its authorship, may not be modified after 7 days of publication. Requests for modification of content, authorship or deletion will not be entertained. Copyright reverts to all authors 90 days after publication.

Sentinel Nigeria does not currently pay for work published. This will change in the future, and details of honorariums will appear here.

Richard Ali
Sentinel Nigeria Magazine

Contact Information:

For inquiries: submissions@sentinelnigeria.org

For submissions: submissions@sentinelnigeria.org

Website: http://www.sentinelnigeria.org/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.