Voices of Our Future is an online training program in new media, citizen journalism, and empowerment for emerging grassroots women leaders. At the end of the application process, thirty applicants will be selected to become Correspondents and take part in the full five-month long program where they will gain the tools and knowledge to vocalize and actualize their visions for change. Specifically, Correspondents will learn about the principles of practicing ethical citizen journalism; how to write compelling frontline journals, profiles, feature stories, and op-eds; how to use new media to amplify their voices; and the basics of digital storytelling.
Benefits of the program include:
* New media and citizen journalism training via phone and Internet by renowned experts, including program partners The Press Institute and The Op-Ed Project
* Personal coaching sessions and support via phone and Internet from a Vision Advocate
* Opportunities for publication through World Pulse and partner media organizations
* Opportunities to connect with grassroots women leaders from around the globe
* Personal development, including increased self-awareness, confidence, and empowered leadership
* Professional development, including improved skills in new media, citizen journalism, and networking
* Nurturing and collaborative relationships with women, and our allies, across the globe
* Increased visibility for issues and challenges faced by you and your community
* Technology stipend to offset communication costs*
How Do We Select Applicants?
During the course of the application process, you will be given a set of learning materials each week (for a total of four (4) weeks) through the Voices of Our Future Applicants Classroom, and asked to complete an associated writing assignment. A panel of staff and selected volunteers, called Listeners, will choose 30 applicants based on the following criteria:
* Completion of all assignments
* Expression of a positive vision for the future and solutions-oriented writing
* Commitment to promote global issues through the eyes of women
* Communication of personal experience as an underrepresented voice in your community, nation, or world; living in a developing country or conflict zone; or facing discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, or social class
* Demonstration of leadership on a personal, community, national, or global level
You will have the opportunity to demonstrate the above criteria through your writing assignments and through your interaction with staff, other applicants, and our online community on PulseWire. We encourage you to reach out during this process and begin to build (or expand!) your own online community and discover the amazing women who are active on PulseWire every day.
How do I apply?
The application embodies the spirit of new media. You will need regular and reliable access to the Internet throughout.
Step 1: Join this group by September 5, 2011 by clicking here. If you are not currently registered or logged in to PulseWire, you will be taken to the Login | Registration page. Once you have completed the registration, you will be directed back to this page, and then you can click the Join button above. This group serves as a space where you can ask questions and receive feedback and support from World Pulse staff and other applicants.
Step 2: If you were not previously registered for a PulseWire account, after you click “Create New Account” a welcome e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address you used to register. You MUST log into your e-mail account, open this message, and click on the link to verify your account before you can post in PulseWire.
Step 3: After you have joined this group, please read the post titled “Welcome to the Voices of Our Future Applicants Group 2011.” This post can be found under the Group Journal tab at the top of the page.
Step 4: Please fill out the short intake survey before September 6th (required). Go to http://bit.ly/kb4cXP.
Step 4: From September 6th through October 3rd, applicants will be given a series of four (4) sets of learning materials and assignments to complete. The materials are divided into: Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4. You can go to the classroom by clicking Application Classroom. We suggest you bookmark this page for easy use.
Step 5: Read through the learning materials and complete the writing assignment by the due date. Post your assignment in your journal, carefully following directions for tagging.
Our panel of staff and Listeners will choose the top 30 most impressive applicants based on the criteria above by October 31st.
Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to speak for yourself to the world and advance your dreams for social change.
Important Dates
- September 5, 2011 Last day to join Voices of Our Future Applicants group.
- September 6, 2011 Application process begins.
- September 12, 2011 Week One Assignment due.
- September 19, 2011 Week Two Assignment due.
- September 26, 2011 Week Three Assignment due.
- October 3, 2011 Week Four Assignment due; Application process ends.
- October 31, 2011 Correspondents announced!
- November 15, 2011 Voices of Our Future Program begins.
- April 7, 2012 Voices of Our Future Program ends.
We welcome women's organizations, NGOs, and other civil society groups to encourage women in your networks to apply for this exciting opportunity.
*Stipends will be determined based on individual need and circumstance. For any further questions, please feel free to contact scott@worldpulse.com
View the complete rules >>
Contact Information:
For inquiries: scott@worldpulse.com
For submissions: register here
Website: http://www.worldpulse.com