The Guy Hanks and Marvin Miller Writing program was established by Drs. Bill and Camille Cosby in 1993, at the USC School of Cinematic Arts. It was named in honor of Camille's father, Guy Alexander Hanks and Bill's producer, Marvin Miller.
The fifteen-week intensive workshop was designed with a two-fold purpose:
* To assist writers in the completion of a film or television script.
* To deepen the participants appreciation for and comprehension of African American history and culture.
You may apply for the workshop if:
1. You are not currently enrolled in a film/TV degree program at a university, college or community college.
2. You have not been previously hired as a professional television or film writer.
3. You are not a member of the WGA.
4. You are 18 years of age or older.
This workshop is not suitable for novice writers. We are primarily seeking intermediate and advanced level writers, who have taken formal classes on writing television and or feature scripts.
* Must be postmarked between July 15th to September 15th of the current year.
* Applications must be received by mail. Walk-in applications will not be accepted.
* Admission decisions will be sent to all applicants in December. Notification dates are subject to change.
1. Two Completed and signed applications.
2. Two copies of your Statement of interest (A 200 word statement expressing your interest in the program and what you want to contribute to the entertainment industry and why).
3. Two copies of a completed script The script should be either a feature film, sitcom, or one hour drama. If you are submitting a television script DO NOT submit an original television show, you will be disqualified!
4. Two copies of a treatment or outline for a new unscripted feature or television spec script for a show that is currently on the air, that you would like to write while in the program (maximum of four double spaced pages).
5. Two copies of your resume.
6. Two copies of the coursework you have taken in studying writing (include where and when the course was taken and the length of the class)
7. Please read the FAQ section to clear up any questions you may have.
Register your script with the Writers Guild of America, 323-951-4000, or The US Copyright Office, 202-707-9100.
Returns & Acknowledgments
Scripts will not be returned. Include a self-addressed, stamped postcard if you would like acknowledgment of the receipt of your application packet.
Special Note on Submissions
1. Your script and treatment must be for the same division that you would like to work on in the program. If you want to be considered for the feature division, submit a feature script and a treatment for a new script that you would like to work on in the program.
2. You cannot submit for both divisions.
3. Scripts should be in standard screenplay or teleplay format and attached with two metal brads.
4. Suggested length for scripts: feature film 110 pages, sitcom 45 pages, or one-hour drama 60 pages.
Click here to get an application form >>
A Complete Application Packet should be mailed to:
Guy Hanks & Marvin Miller Screenwriting Program,
USC School of Cinematic Arts
900 W. 34th Street, Room 235
Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
For submissions: Guy Hanks & Marvin Miller Screenwriting Program, USC School of Cinematic Arts, 900 W. 34th Street, Room 235, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211