12 August 2011

OR Tambo Edu-Tour Essay Writing Competition (South Africa)

Deadline: 19 August 2011

Enter our Essay writting competition and stand a chance to win an all expenses paid educational tour to Tanzania for ten days. Essays should be written in English. The Essay topic should be from one of the four topics given.


Each participant will have to submit an Essay, written in English and must have between 600-650 words using Ariel font type and size 11 with double spacing.

Essay topic should be one of the following:
  • Climate change
  • Economic development
  • Liberation Struggle (leveraging Heritage)
  • Education in Africa

Climate change

Climate Change remains unpopular and a foreign subject amongst youth in South Africa and Africa in general, it continues to threaten plans to grow the economy through industrialisation and expansion of priority sectors like Agriculture.

Question 1: How can business assist African governments in managing climate adaptation to help them rapidly shift the issue from a purely environmental concern to addressing its growing threat to economic development?

Question 2: The subject of “the green economy” is new to many; South Africa has the chance to lead Africa in finding cleaner ways of doing business particularly in sectors e.g manufacturing, mining, and power generation. In your own words how can South African youth use technology and innovation to migrate towards using cleaner methods of doing business?

Economic development

Meaningful participation in the economy by the majority of South African citizens is said to be the next liberation struggle. The opportunity to create new and expand existing industries envisages that Africa has the potential to provide the platform for young South Africans to enjoy the full measure of economic participation.

Question 1: Sustained economic development has eluded a lot of African countries and consequently African youth have borne the brunt of scarce and meaningful economic opportunities as development is deferred. In 640 words, what do you practically propose youth can do to overcome these challenges and/or does the initiative you are involved in successfully address the challenges confronted by youth in Africa?

Question 2: Apart from skills development programs and internships, how else can the need for infrastructure development in Africa be practically used to produce the future leaders and champions of economic development in Africa?

Liberation Struggle (leveraging Heritage)

The liberation Struggles characterises the nature and method for attainment of freedom for most African states. Though most people particularly those who were young during those periods would argue that the struggle still exist. While this may be informed by the lack of change in most peoples circuimstances, most youth usually described as “Born Frees” do not have the same view. This sometimes leads to apathy and lack of interest in the history of the liberation struggle by young people in South Africa.

Question 1: Is the history of the struggle relevant for “Born Frees” and how, if not can it be practically made relevant and used towards nation building?

Question 2: The history of South Africa is predominantly polarised by race and is sometimes a site of tension of struggle when re-visited. In what pratical and meaningful manner can the liberation be used to unite the people of Africa?

Education in Africa

Eduaction is the single most important element necessary for development and creation of job opportunities particularly in developmental state like South Africa.

Question 1: What are the key elements that determine the level of Education in our Society?

Question 2: How does education influence the advancement of African States?

Anything longer/shorter will automatically be disqualified. At the top of each entry give a word count with your full name and surname, ID number, residential address, postal address and contact details, where you can be located during normal working hours.

Entries must be sent via email in Microsoft Word Format to: oredutours@idt.org.za.


The overall winners’ prize for this competition will be a chance to go on a Ten (10) day “all expenses” paid educational tour to Tanzania 30th September to 10th October 2011. SOMAFCO Trust will only cover cost for travel from OR Tambo international airport. All winners will be responsible for their transport within South Africa i.e. Transport prior to Departure and Transport upon arrival on their return to the OR Tambo International Airport. “All expenses” refers to Air fares, Transportation in Tanzania, Meals for the duration of the tour.


Participation/Entry for this competition is FREE OF CHARGE.

Competition is open to all South African citizens with a Valid South African Passport (i.e. Valid for the next 12 months). Entrants must be involved/must be a part of a Registered Initiative/Entity for the past 36 months benefitting at least 10 people, mostly Youth. This competition opens on the 11TH July 2011 and will be closing/ending on the 19th August 2011 @ no later than close of business (i.e. 16h30). Entrants must be between the ages of 21-35years old.

Costs for Vaxinations(Yellow Fever and Malaria) are not covered.


Download terms and conditions >>

Contact Information:

For inquiries: oredutours@idt.org.za or call 012 8452056

For submissions: oredutours@idt.org.za

Website: http://www.somafcotrust.org.za


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.