09 August 2011

Publication Opporunity: Emotion Press Ibadan

Emotion Press, Ibadan is dedicated towards one major purpose - projecting the future ones. Through her imprint, Omojojolo Books, Emotion Press strongly plans to publish and market quality books with an irresistible creative African aroma.

Most potential authors has gone through the hassles of giving their creative works to roadside Printers, in the cloth of Publishers, only to realize that their works had been 'badly' projected to the reading audience.

A publishing story

Months back after writing a twenty thousand word novel, I realized I would need a good publisher to project my words to the right audience. I got the publisher! He edited and designed the whole book.That was after I had coughed out hundreds of thousands, some of which I
borrowed from my Cooperative society. Then, he did something that took my breath away. After he had printed a thousand copies of the book, he told me to start 'telling people'. I thought he was just trying to carry me along in the publishing process.Then he started withdrawing form the project. I realized I was to market my books by myself. A civil servant marketing books!

On Omojojolo Books

We are presently accepting the following for publication:

- Collection Of Short Stories
- Novel
- Plays
- Poetry
- Motivational

What we do:

-Publish The Book
-Market And Distribute The Book
-Pay Yearly Royalties To Omojojolo Authors.

How to publish with us:

-Submit The First Three chapters of the manuscript [If A novel or non-fiction] TO EMOTIONPRESS2011@GMAIL.COM

-Poetry Or Drama: Submit the full script to Emotionpress2011@gmail.com.

Give us 3 weeks to reply to your request.

Our Customer Service:

We will soon make the aforementioned department available. To order for our publishing information package, mail Emotionpress2011@gmail.com. Make the subject Omojojolo Publishing Package.

We look forward to publishing you.

Contact Information:


For submissions: EMOTIONPRESS2011@GMAIL.COM

Website: http://emotionbookclub.wordpress.com/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.