On Saturday 20th of August, the Writers Association of Botswana (WABO) will be holding the first in their monthly writing workshop series. The topic for this month is “Writing Short Stories” and will be run by Wame Molefhe, a published short story writer and secretary general of WABO.
The workshop will be at Maru-a-Pula School and will run from 2:00-4:30. It is free for WABO members, non-members will be required to pay P20. Membership forms and cards will be available if you would like to become a WABO member. The membership fee is P100 per year.
The workshop will cover elements of short story writing. Participants will work through a series of exercises. Participants who would like to share their stories will have an opportunity to have their work critiqued.
Places are limited so please RSVP at botswanwriters@gmail.com, write 'Short story workshop' in the subject line with a 800 word excerpt of the story you wish to be critiqued at the workshop. Closing date for receipt of applications is 13 August 2011.
Contact Information:
For inquiries: botswanwriters@gmail.com
For submissions: botswanwriters@gmail.com
Website: http://writersassociationofbotswana.blogspot.com/