The African Studies Association (ASA)-2012 Conference
Philadelphia, PA; November 29-December 1, 2012
In 1962 at the Kampala conference, participants engaged the first major debate on the ‘language question’ in African literature. For African literary critics, that conference was the first defining moment in the development and study of contemporary African literature. The second moment occurred in 1983 with the publication of Chinweizu’s /Toward the Decolonization of African Literature /which//helped boost emerging discussions on post-colonial studies in African literary criticism. That moment generated the impetus that has sustained the different cultural and theoretical approaches that continue to sustain debates in African literary studies.
Now, as we enter the second decade of the 21st century and its global proliferation of entry points and exits in the context of information technology, we need to assess the extent African literary engagement and production will enable clearer definitions of the different aspects of African literary studies. This means that the quality and nature of African literature in the information age needs to be more carefully addressed in ways that reaffirm our efforts to bring African literary studies into full prominence on the global stage. As practitioners, acknowledging the strengths and limitations in our current understanding of African literature will also show how vibrant and powerful a tool African literature is in the study of African societies and cultures.
This Call for Papers solicits papers for ALA panel presentations on the topics indicated below at the African Studies Association 2012 conference. Please indicate your interest by submitting
a one-paragraph abstract on a topic based on one of the panels listed below.
1.Roundtable: “African Literary Studies Today.”
2.Panel: “The Future of African Literary Studies.”
3.Panel: “Women’s Contributions to African Literary Studies.”
It is expected that all papers accepted for presentation will have been fully written and sent to the panel chair and discussants of the papers (no exceptions, please!) at least one week before the conference. Please submit your abstracts through email:
On or before March 8, 2012
To: Anthonia Kalu at:
Anthonia Kalu, PhD
Department of African American and African Studies
486 University Hall
230 North Oval Mall
Columbus, OH 43210-1319
Phone: (614) 688-5779
Fax: (614) 292-2293
For inquiries:
For submissions: