18 February 2012

Egyptian International Short Story Competition: Resurrection of Ancient Egypt (worldwide)

Deadline: 1 March 2012

Literature has always been a method of communication, whether between the author and the self, the author and the reader, or a book discussion between several readers. These means of communication are outstanding that they can be fulfilled by communicating with the past, and creating some sort of telepathy.

The aim of the Forgotten Writers Foundation is to empower the forgotten literature of some cultures, and thus it issued its first short-story competition, which is about Resurrection of Ancient Egypt.

The competition is about writing fictional short-stories at the era of Ancient Egypt, whereas the stories must not be very much related to historical events. It is open to anyone, giving enough space for the writer to become creative and write about any genre, with any style.

The winning stories will be gathered and published in one book. The aim of this competition, apart from shedding the light on the mysterious culture of Pharos, is to perform an analysis on how Egyptians and non-Egyptians define and view one of the oldest cultures on Earth, and with this analysis we should excavate guidance to our contemporary world.

Eligibility and Competition Guidelines:

1- The competition is open to Egyptians and Non-Egyptians.
2- Any age group and gender.
3- Fluent English.
4- Originally written in English and not translated through another party.
5- Unpublished work.
6- Maximum 10,000 words.
7- It is possible to use illustrations as figures, pictures and drawings if you are a painter.
8- It is possible to include poetry within your story.
9- It is NOT possible to use quotes from other writers.
10- You are free to choose any genre of horror, fantasy, politics, romance, or any other one.
11- You are free to use any kind of style and narration.
12- All stories are sent via email.
13- Word Document: Font must be Times New Roman, 12, Margins Justified and pages numbered.
14- There must be a title for the story, centered in the middle of the page, bold, and size 12.
15- Do not mention your name in the word document.
16- Save the word file with your Name and Title on it.
17- Numbers must be written in (words) except if it was a date-year / ex: 1996 – Seven years old.
18- Write using American English (spelling and vocabulary).
19- Do not use (&) instead of (And).
20- The deadline date is the same as the revolution / 25 – Jan – 2012 .
21- Email your stories to: Native_Writer@Yahoo.com


1- The winning stories will be chosen on their creativity and the novelty of the idea. Strange and unusual ideas are needed.
2- The depth of the text, characters, places… etc.
3- The metaphors and similes used.
4- The beauty of the writing style and dialogs if there are any.
5- The ending of the story and how powerful it is.
6- There will be no judging on grammar because it will be unjust since there are those who have English as a first language and those who have it as a second language. We will do the editing if needed for you, but try to introduce your piece as decent as possible.


For inquiries: Native_Writer@yahoo.com

For submissions: Native_Writer@yahoo.com

Website: http://mahmoudmansicriticreviews.blogspot.com


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.