19 February 2012

Invitation to Commercial/ Editorial Media Women: WAN-IFRA African Media Leadership Programme (Botswana/ Namibia/ Zambia)

Deadline: 24 February 2012

NOTE: The application process for WIN 2012 will be open from 16 January until 24 February. Please see below for more information on applying to WIN and to download the call for applications and application form.

The World Association of Newspaper and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) is pleased to invite commercial and editorial media women in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia to apply to participate in the third year of the groundbreaking Women In News (WIN) programme.

WIN is a leadership development programme aiming to contribute to the advancement and empowerment of women in African media, simultaneously enhancing and promoting the development of financially viable and editorially strong media enterprises in emerging markets on the continent.

WIN equips women media professionals in middle management positions with the strategies, skills and support networks they need to advance their careers toward upper management levels.

The WIN programme is comprised of four nation-wide events held in participating countries’ national capitals and culminates with a programme-wide WIN Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa at the year’s end. Included in these events are one-on-one coaching sessions with professional and experienced national and international coaches, working with participants to build personal and realistic professional action plans; mentoring with experiences business professionals and peers; and skills development and training modules focusing on topics identified by participants as being instrumental in their professional development.


WIN is open to women working for a minimum of two years in middle management positions for newspapers in Botswana, Namibia and Zambia. Successful applicants will already have a certain degree of leadership responsibility in their current positions, have room for growth and aspire to progress within the newspaper industry. The programme will welcome women from all departments of media houses in each of the three countries (i.e. editorial departments, as well as administration, human resources, accounting, marketing etc.). Fifteen women will be selected to participate in 2012, divided equally among the three participating countries.

Applications from women not employed by a newspaper (e.g. those working freelance) will be considered secondary to applicants meeting the outlined requirements. Applications are considered on an individual basis and employment in line with the above-listed criteria does not guarantee admission to the WIN programme. Applications will not be accepted from those working in radio or television at this time.


Interested applicants should submit a completed Application form, outlining their motivation for applying to the programme and how they could benefit from WIN to Catharine Fulton, WIN’s Project Manager, at cafulton@womeninnews.org.

The Application form can be downloaded by clicking the appropriate link below or it can be requested via e-mail from Catharine Fulton.

Deadline: Completed Application forms must be received no later than 24 February 2012.

Download application form >>


For inquiries: cafulton@womeninnews.org

For submissions: cafulton@womeninnews.org

Website: http://www.womeninnews.org


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.