Submissions for Mantis's 11th edition are now open to anyone within or beyond the Stanford community. For further information contact the current editors: Virginia Ramos, editor in chief; Mark Bajus, translations editor; Derek Mong, poetry editor; and Chiyuma Elliott, reviews editor. The theme of Mantis 11 will be "Poetry in an Adopted Language" and it will feature a new section of criticism on poetry performance.
We're interested in publishing sizeable sections by each poet, usually from a single project. This way our readers can get an idea of the project through a sustained reading experience. Long poems or sequences welcomed. (8-12 pages). Please send your work as a .doc with a brief note introducing yourself to mantispoetry AT gmail DOT com
We're most interested in publishing translations that will expose our readers to compelling and unfamiliar work. We tend to choose translations by contemporary poets. When we publish work by poets of the past, it's usually because we find it underappreciated or neglected in English. As with our poetry offerings, we're especially interested in series of poems from a single project or period. Please send your translations (with the original) and a brief note introducing yourself and the poet you're translating to mantistranslations AT gmail DOT com.
We're looking for reviews of books of poetry or especially poetry in translation published in the last few years. We also welcome reviews of significant volumes of collected poems or interesting anthologies. You can contact us to propose a review you already have in mind or to request a list of available titles of which we've recieved review copies. If you'd like to propose a review or request a list of our available titles, please contact us at mantisreviews AT gmail DOT com.
Each issue of Mantis also has one or more features on a particular poet, theme, or question of poetics. You can check out past issues to give you an idea of what we have in mind. We're always looking for guest editors who are interested in proposing and coordinating a feature. We also sometimes send out calls for work when a feature is underway. You can contact us using the contact form to propose a feature or check back here for calls for work.
If you're interested in proposing a new feature, please use our contact form. As features develop, we may solicit, send out calls for work, or post more specific instructions for submission here.
For inquiries/ submissions: or