SALTO-YOUTH EUROMED is looking for 1 author for the study, "Youth work in Tunisia after the revolution". This publication will be part of the new collection dedicated to the Youth Work in Meda countries.
This collection aims to support the cooperation within EuroMed area providing a depth reflection about the nowadays issues and challenges in youth work the Euro Mediterranean context. The collection is providing new studies about updated topics.
The youth work is moving and opening new interesting perspective for the coming future. The field of youth work within Meda countries is living strong changes and the role of young people is more and more relevant in the society.
This study would like to contribute to the overall reflection about youth work Tunisia after revolution and to provide some new keys for reading the ongoing situation. The specific focus of this study should be an overview about the ongoing situation of youth work in Tunisia, the changes of youth work and services after the revolution.
The study will be based on the Study Visit that will be held in Tunisia from 25 June to 01 July 2012 (the author should be able to attend to the Study vist) .
The author should be able to take part in the Study Visit and to use the field visits in order to organise and develop the content of study. For this reason the author should be able to work in English but also to communicate in French (Arabic will be welcome).
The final public of this publication will be: institutions, youth leaders, social workers and trainers involved in such activities.
The document should be submitted to SALTO-YOUTH EUROMED in English. The study will be published in English, French and Arabic. The format of this publication will be 45 pages in A5. The "Youth Work in Tunisia" study should provide to the readers:
1) overview about Youth Work in Tunisia,
2) educational and pedagogical background of youth work in Tunisia;
3) challenges of youth workers after the revolution;
4) some examples of youth projects.
The author should be able to take part in the study visit and to follow this schedule and timetable:
- Deadline for 1st draft: 30 September 2012
- Deadline for final draft: 31 October 2012
- The publication will be translated by SALTO-YOUTH EUROMED in French and Arabic.
Fees: 3000 euro (+ travel cost for take part in the study visit).
For queries:
For submissions: via the online application