22 May 2012

Deadline May 30 | Call for Authors: ENAR Book Publication on “People of African Descent in Europe and Black Europeans”

Deadline: 30 May 2012

ENAR is currently seeking authors to contribute articles to an ENAR publication on the people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans. This book project started in collaboration with the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U.S. Helsinki Commission), U.S. Congressman Alcee L. Hastings, and the European Network Against Racism (ENAR) aims to raise attention to the specific situation of people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans.

Based on ENAR’s years of experience working at the grassroots level to counter racism in Europe, in addition to the findings of the Helsinki Commission following the first congressional hearing in history on people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans held in 2008, the following findings have emerged. First, evidence suggests that there continues to be a lack of knowledge about people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans and their contributions to Europe’s social fabric. Secondly, racism and discrimination are found to be common experiences faced by many members of Europe’s Black population. Additionally, more attention needs to be devoted to people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans as well as to present day and historical issues impacting their lives. Against this background, the collaborative partners, under the leadership of ENAR, have agreed to contribute to this under researched issue by producing a book.

This publication is part of ENAR’s progressive narrative on equality and diversity for all, as we seek to build an inclusive society free of racism and related intolerance, where each individual enjoys equal opportunities to participate fully in society. By maximising the potential of all, ENAR envisions promoting confident and strong communities, integrated and cohesive societies, as well as a stable and prosperous Europe. The publication is planned to be a mix of academic writing and accounts of personal, practical experiences. A focus on the situation in Eastern Europe should also be included. The themes in the book could include the following points, depending on the interests of the potential authors:

1. The history of Blacks in Europe and/or a specific European country;

2. The historical or present day (auto)biography of a prominent person of African descent in Europe and/or Black Europeans (e.g. Anton Wilhelm Amo; Baroness Valerie Amos, Angelo Soliman);

3. The impact of slavery and colonialism on representations of Black ethnic minority people in Europe (e.g. the role of human zoos in dehumanisation processes);

4. Experiential or empirical research on people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans (e.g. a study on housing discrimination, political participation, Afro-European websites);

5. Contributions of Blacks to Europe’s social fabric (e.g. use of images of Moors in Medieval Europe, the work of Alexander Pushkin, political rap music);

6. Equality and anti-discrimination efforts (e.g. overviews of the work of the Black European Women’s Congress or Operation Black Vote; impact of the EU Racial Equality Directive on Black communities);

7. Partnerships and cooperation between the Black Diaspora and Europe (e.g. Black History Month in Germany, the 2009 Black European Summit: Transatlantic Dialogue on Political Participation);

8. African-Americans in Europe (e.g. WEB Dubois and the meetings of the Pan-African Congress in European capitals; Paul Robeson’s views on Russia and socialism during the Jim Crow era); and/or

9. Any other related topic that may be put forth to help shed light on the situation of people of people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans.

Anyone interested in contributing to one of these topics is invited to respond to this call.


Overall objective:

The overall objective is to contribute to the lack of information and focus on the situation of people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans by producing a publication consisting of articles related to one of the above-listed topics.

Specific objectives:
  • To bring attention to and raise awareness of the varying situations of people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans.
  • To contribute to these under-researched issues by providing informative empirical research highlighting challenges and successes of the Black minorities in Europe.
  • To provide personal, experiential accounts of individuals who have experienced racism first-hand.
  • To highlight and advance positive narratives by promoting the often undetected and undervalued skills and attributes of people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans.
  • To show that people of African descent in Europe and Black Europeans contribute significantly to the prosperity of European society and economy.
  • To provide facts and evidence to support this line of argument.
  • To contribute to ENAR’s progressive narrative on equality and diversity for all.


The articles should be based on the author’s knowledge on the topic and with the aim to cover the various themes listed. Authors must possess skills in composing either scientific writing or literary narration, and adhere to the applicable methodology. Authors are asked to structure their texts as clearly as possible to meet the objectives of the publication. Clear and easily understandable English language should be used to convey the subject matter. Each submission should not be longer than 15 normal DIN4 pages (A4), in 1.5 spaced Times New Roman. Authors are requested to identify relevant references and to provide a bibliography.


The deadline for submitting an article in English is May 30, 2012. Please include a paragraph describing your expertise and experience as well as a CV, which will be used to briefly describe the authors of the publication as part of the book contents.

Articles should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. Articles should be marked “ENAR Publication on People of African Descent” and sent by email to:

Shannon Pfohman
ENAR Secretariat
60 rue Gallait, B-1030 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: 0032 2 2405723
Email: shannon@enar-eu.org


For enquiries: questions and correspondence on this matter can also be directed to Shannon Pfohman - shannon@enar-eu.org

For submissions: shannon@enar-eu.org

Website: http://www.enar-eu.org


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.