Please read the Submission tips carefully before you submit your proposal to Modjaji Books. Also, before you contact Modjaji, have a look at their Titles and Modjaji Books section and ensure that your book will fit in with the kinds of books they publish. If you think your manuscript might fit with their books you can email an enquiry. This should contain your full contact details, a brief biography, description of your manuscript, synopsis and a short motivation for how it fits in with Modjaji Books' publishing profile. If you have submitted your work to other publishers, please inform them when and to which publishers you have sent submissions.
If they want to look at the whole manuscript, they will ask you to either email or post it. Please submit manuscripts as a Word document. They consider manuscripts written in all southern African languages. Please give them about three months to respond (longer for manuscripts not written in English or Afrikaans), but you are welcome to check in via email once a month.
Modjaji Books cannot be held responsible for the loss of original material. If photographs or illustrations are submitted, make sure they are not the originals. Please do not submit original artwork with proposals.
Modjaji Books currently publishes five or six books a year.
For inquiries/ submissions: