Created in 1989, the International URTI Radio Grand Prix rewards programmes from the whole world for their efforts of research and originality. It is different from the other international competitions because of an original principle: each year a different theme is proposed to the participants and left to their own free interpretation. All the productions, all the radio forms are welcome: reports, documentaries, essays, fictions, sound compositions, children’s stories…
An international jury of radio professionals meets each autumn in a different country, at the invitation of an URTI member.
In 2012, the chosen theme for the 24th edition is: Love
The entry forms and the programmes will have to be sent on Monday 3 September 2012 at the latest.
Rewarding the efforts of research and originality, awards will be divided up as follows:
- The International Radio Grand Prix, endowed with a sum of $5,000
- The Silver Medal
- The Bronze Medal
- Welles Award for Discovery, given to a programme it wishes to single out
- for its quality or its originality on a particular criterion: originality, concept, subject, interactivity,
- direction, technique, sound environment, etc.
The URTI Prix is open for free to any broadcast or production radio organism. Some important points of the rules:
- Length of programmes: 60 minutes at the most,
- Two programmes per organism at the most,
- The presented works must not necessarily be new,
- The programmes submitted to the jury will compulsorily have to be accompanied by the text of the production in French and/or English as well as by the copyright statement,
- Participants can deposit the registration forms, the scripts and the programmes in .mp3 on this site. The programmes may also be sent on CD to:
Mme Nathalie Lacroix
URTI - Union Radiophonique et Télévisuelle Internationale
116, Av. Président Kennedy
75016 Paris (France)
The International Radio and Television Union (of which the seat is in France: URTI – Maison de Radio France 116, avenue du Président Kennedy – 75220 Paris Cedex 16) has been organising since 1989, under the name INTERNATIONAL URTI RADIO GRAND PRIX, an annual competition destined to reward the radio productions corresponding the better to the goals it pursues.
The object of this Grand Prix is to:
- Promote the international radio production, in all the genres and formats, as well as its virtues of direct relations between people, nations and cultures;
- Reaffirm that, by its evocative strength, by its flexibility of realisation and the simplicity of its broadcasting technique, radio proves to be the media which is the better able to answer the demands of communication in the cultural and education domains;
- Distinguish the programmes the most perfected by the quality of their production, the originality of their approach, the universality of their language, and by the specificity of their radio treatment;
- Favour the expression of humanistic values of tolerance and respect between men, of peace, friendship and understanding between peoples;
- Reject all sorts of propaganda in any form;
- Ensure a widened international broadcast of the programmes having gained the statute of finalist, and notably of the prize-awarded works.
In order to realize these goals, URTI reserves the right to be able to associate to its Grand Prix personalities or organisations prompted by the same intentions.
The Direction of this Grand Prix is ensured by URTI’s general Director who is responsible for the administrative organisation in a link with the partners.
The participation in the URTI Grand Prix is open to all the public and private radio organisations (at the rate of two programmes per channel at the most) as well as to the associations and institutions which devote themselves to the audiovisual (at the rate of two programmes by organism at the most).
The producers or directors of radio programmes who wish to compete for the URTI Grand Prix will have to submit their programmes to the preliminary selection of the organisations entitled to participate.
The participants may propose for the competition any programme about the subject determined each year (cf article 9) produced less than two years before the date of the announcement of the award-winners of the URTI Grand Prix and which length cannot exceed sixty minutes.
The programmes must come with the duly filled registration form, either directly on the URTI Web site (, or by mail sent to the seat of URTI with the mention “no commercial value”.
A co-production may only be entered by one of the organization participating in it, the latter being ensured of its partners’ agreement.
Programmes will be allowed to compete only once.
The participants in the competition commit themselves to contribute to the promotion of the International URTI Radio Grand Prix as far as possible.
Programmes should be entered in original version. A script of each programme should necessarily be provided in French or in English if the proposed version is not in one of these two languages.
The programmes competing for the URTI Grand Prix must absolutely come with their registration form duly filled, with a summary and possibly their script (cf: article 3) in French or in English, as well as the copyrights statement. In general, all publicity or promotional material concerning the entered documentaries will be welcome, with the relating authorisation of free advertisement in the press.
A programme made in co-production by two or several organisations may only be entered for competition by one of the co-producing organisations, under its sole responsibility.
French and English are the two languages used for the official rules, the correspondence, the organisation of the listenings and the deliberations.
The recordings of the presented programmes stay at the disposal of the general Direction for their possible registration in the programme exchange catalogue of URTI and so the availability of the presented recording for a broadcast free of rights (except the usual copyrights and neighbouring rights) by all the organisms members of URTI, participating in the competition or not. The broadcaster will then conform to the current legislation in its country concerning the declaration of copyrights and of neighbouring rights and no additional royalty will be due to an organization which programme was awarded a prize under the pretext of this award.
No advertising may accompany a programme entered in the International URTI Radio Grand Prix.
Registration of the entered programmes will be definitely closed at the latest fifteen days before the date of the preselection, except dispensation granted by the Grand Prix Director.
No registration fees will be asked the participating organisations.
An agenda is set for each session of the competition and communicated to the participants.
Each year the general Direction sets the specific conditions of the competition, notably the agenda of its sequence of events and the Jury’s meeting place.
The Commission of URTI’s Radio members determines each year a unique subject to be treated by all the participating programmes.
The URTI general Direction takes care that the different stages of the competition function well. The material organization is jointly entrusted to the URTI general Direction and the organism hosting the competition. The general Direction controls the programmes and the candidates’ files to check their conformity to the rules. Only those candidatures which comply with the competition’s conditions and objectives will be submitted to the Jury.
The URTI Radio Commission sees to it that the rules, the legality of the Jury’s listenings, and the conditions of its deliberations are respected.
The Jury is made up of:
- a personality jointly chosen by the organisation hosting the Jury and the URTI general Direction for his renown in the cultural domain or for his skills in radio creation (production, direction, sound, programming, …). This personality ensures the presidency of the Jury;
- a President and members of the URTI Radio Commission;
- the Director general of URTI.
The President of the Jury manages the deliberations and conditions of the vote, it being specified that the Jury must greatly bear in mind the criteria mentioned in article 1 of the present rules. He guarantees the organization, the course and the legality of the vote which results he announces. He can suggest any measure allowing to provide a better enforcement of the spirit of the present rules.
During a preliminary meeting the Jury sets up its rules of procedure and its evaluation criteria taking into account the object of the Grand Prix (cf artcle 1), subject to the respect of the present rules however.
The Jury determines its own deliberation rules.
A member of URTI general Direction manages the secretarial work of the session under the control of the President of the Grand Prix.
The presentation of the programmes is made up in alphabetical order of countries, then participating organizations, except specific decision of the Jury.
The Jury’s deliberations and votes are secret and take place in camera.
Each member of the Jury is called upon to make known and defend his vote before the other Jury members.
The Jury reserves the right not to award any prize if no programme appears to answer the spirit of article 1.
After the listenings of all the programmes admitted in the competition and after a valid deliberation, the Jury makes up a list of the ten programmes having gained the statute of « finalist » of the International URTI Radio Grand Prix.
The award-winners’ list will honour four programmes among the finalists:
- The GRAND PRIX, given to the best radio programme and of which the director gets the medal as well as a 5,000 dollar reward (five thousand dollars);
- The silver medal ;
- The bronze medal ;
- The Award for Discovery, given to a programme it wishes to single out for its quality or its originality on a particular criterion: originality, concept, subject, interactivity, direction, technique, sound environment, etc.
The announcement of this award-winners’ list takes place within two months after the Jury’s decision during a gala ceremony organized by URTI in a city chosen by the general Direction. The organizations having presented an awarded programme commit to make their best efforts to organize the participation in this ceremony of the director or a delegate.
Any correspondence or request for information should be sent to URTI’s general Direction.
The programmes in competition will not be sent back to the participants.
For queries:
For submissions: via the registration form