21 June 2012

Call for Submissions from Writers of Color: 1110 Journal

1110 is a small, high-quality print journal with a bias toward work that reinvents the world. We’re interested in tinges of surrealism, magic tricks, the 20th Century, the prose poem, natural histories, museums, theory, photography, list-making. We’re willing to like things we’ve never imagined.

We are looking for poetry or hybrid-poetry that plays capably with form and content. We are also looking for intelligent, beautiful experimental fiction or non-fiction (or hybrid forms). We’d love to read work by women, people of color, and GLBT/queer/trans* writers in particular. We aim to publish at least 50% women in each issue (but acknowledge that a stark male/female binary doesn’t fit every identity).

To be wish-list specific, we’d really love to see an essay or two about any of the following: science/history of science/natural history/critical theory/art history. We’re open to cross-disciplinary work, and, while we’re not looking for academic writing, we’d love to read things that are clearly informed by research.

Our reading list includes Myung-Mi Kim, W. G. Sebald, Mark Doty, Lydia Davis, Juliana Spahr, C.D. Wright, bell hooks, Jacques Derrida, and Anne Carson. Make of that what you will.

POEMS (2-5 at a time)

Send as ONE document (.pdf, Word or .rtf) titled with your last name and ‘poetry’, e.g., Brown_poetry.doc. Include your bio (<50 words) and contact details (name, address, email) within the cover letter field.


Size limit: 3000 words Prose (3000 words maximum)

Send as ONE document (.pdf, Word or .rtf) titled with your last name, genre, and submission, e.g., Brown_nonfiction.doc. Include your bio (<50 words) and contact details (name, address, email) within the cover letter field.


For submissions: via submishmash

Website: http://111oh.com/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.