06 June 2012

Deadline Extended | Transform Your Thesis into a Magazine Article: “Share Your Science” Writing Contest 2012 (€250 prize | worldwide)

Deadline: 8 July 2012

We've heard you loud and clear about how busy you are with your thesis and the lack of time to compete in our contest. In an effort to give all students the opportunity to join our 'Share Your Science' writing contest, we're extending the deadline!


Honestly, how many people have read your thesis? Four? Five maybe? And we bet that number includes both your parents and your supervisor.

Yearly, hundreds of thousands of theses are being written all over the world. Most of them seem to be destined to collect dust on a shelf somewhere, once its writer has received a degree.

Therefore, United Academics has set up a “Share your Science” writing contest. Break away from restrictive academic writing rules, transform your thesis into a magazine article and enter the competition.

This years’ theme is “Connect Science and Society.”

  • The winner gets €250
  • The winner’s article will be fully designed and published in United Academics Magazine
  • The winner is offered an internship at United Academics Publishing
  • The 10 best articles will be published on our website

We accept contributions from all research disciplines, so you’re only limited by your own creativity.


The competition is open to any person who, during the past two academic years (2009-2010, and 2010-2011), has successfully written a thesis which was a requirement for obtaining a bachelor's, master’s or PhD degree from an acknowledged university in any discipline.

The thesis on which the article is based received a mark of 7,5 / B or higher. You signed up as a member of United Academics through www.united-academics.org and “liked” our Facebook page on www.facebook.com/unitedacademics.


- The jury will consider any article that is in line with this year's theme: Connect Science and Society. Scientific knowledge can improve the quality of life at many different levels - from the routine workings of our everyday lives to global issues. Your article must emphasize why your research is relevant for our society, and how it could improve quality of life.
- The maximum length of the article that will be considered by the jury is 1600 words.
- The article should be written in English.
- Make sure it’s written for the lay reader.
- Please do not write from the first person.


The articles will be evaluated on the basis of:

- Does it apply this year's theme: Connect Science and Society.
- Originality.
- Writing quality.
- Journalistic value.


The article should be sent digitally in Microsoft Word or PDF format, to: shareyourscience@united-academics.org.

The following documents should be submitted together with the article;

-The official version of the thesis in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
- A brief summary of the article in English (maximum 200 words) outlining the central research question, the research method, the conclusions reached and the way the article connects to the theme: Connect Science and Society.
- The Share your Science Application Form, which can be downloaded and sent as an attachement along with the article, and other required supplements. You are free to send images together with your application.


The official deadline for receipt of the article is noon on July 8, together with the required supplements.


The winning article of the “Share your Science” writing contest will be published in United Academics Magazine. In addition, the winner will be offerred an internship at the United Academics publishing team and gets €250. The ten best articles will be featured on our website.


For inquiries/ submissions: shareyourscience@united-academics.org

Website: http://www.united-academics.org


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.