The AMYA (Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association) Young Muslim Writers Awards was established in 2012 and seeks to support and encourage the creative and imaginative pens of young budding Muslim writers. It is further hoped that entrants, the thinkers of tomorrow, will be spurred on by the awards to use their pens to promote peace, respect and dignity – all essential qualities of a practising Muslim.
In these testing and fast moving times, when the various news mediums are becoming more and more condensed, it is important to be economical with what one writes. Efficient writing and the skilled use of simple language to convey powerful messages is, therefore, of paramount importance.
This year’s competition, therefore, invites members of AMYA UK to submit a powerful short piece of writing on a contemporary topic and in a language which is accessible to the general reader of average understanding.
1. All entries must be in English.
2. Entries must be the original and unpublished work of the writer and not infringe any copyright.
3. The piece must be written on a topic that is of contemporary importance to the Western reader.
4. It should propose solutions to the issues highlighted which are practical and realistic.
5. Where possible and relevant, the entry should seek to forward the Islamic perspective regarding both the problem and solution, all the while keeping the terminology simple and understandable (e.g., Arabic terms should be kept to an absolute minimum and the respective accurate English translations of such terms should be used as much as possible).
6. The piece should be constructed as though it is written for a popular broadsheet or current affairs periodical.
7. It should be between 1,000 – 1,200 words (roughly 2 A4 pages) and contain no footnotes or endnotes.
8. Entries must be submitted by midnight, Friday 15th June 2012, in Microsoft Word format (e.g., .doc, .docx.).
9. Entries must be submitted electronically to
10. Entries which fail to adhere to any of the above requirements will have marks deducted or, in extreme cases (i.e., excessively long entries), be withdrawn from the competition.
Writers have absolute freedom in choosing the topic of their submission provided that it meets the above criteria. Though by no means exhaustive, below are some suggested topics:
1. Impact of increasing unemployment on British youth and future generations.
2. Employment and the Social Security system.
3. Is secularism compatible with Islam?
4. The rise of right-wing movements in Europe.
5. Money, greed and the financial crisis.
6. Is freedom of speech without boundaries?
7. Can Sharia law add benefit to the West?
8. The future of the Euro and the European single Market economy.
9. Sustainable energy development.
10. Information technology, social networking and new societal norms.
11. The female right to self determination in Muslim countries; ideals and realities.
12. CERN, particles and God.
13. Islamic finance versus Capitalism.
14. Can a third world war be avoided?
15. British and Muslim: clarity or confusion?
16. What is the Muslim led contribution to European culture and civilisation.
Submitted finalist entries will be assessed anonymously by a panel of four assessors heralding from a number of varied and relevant backgrounds, namely:
- Catrin Nye, BBC Journalist
- Dr. Zia Shah, Editor; Muslim Sunrise
- Ahmad Salam, Economist
- Adam Walker, National Spokesperson, AMYA UK; Chairman MASQ UK
The top three Young Muslim Writers will be awarded prizes at the forthcoming National Ijtema and have their entries published both online and in print.
For inquiries/ submissions: