The Osmania University Centre for International Programmes (OUCIP), Hyderabad, India is organizing an International Conference from 17 - 19, December 2012 on “Negotiating Margins: African American and Dalit Writings”. Participants desirous of attending the conference should submit a soft copy of the abstract of the proposed presentation in about 300 words along with a brief bio-note by 15 September, 2012 to with a subject heading “Negotiating Margins”.
The broad areas to be covered by the Seminar include:
• Democracy and Subaltern Consciousness in African American and Dalit Writings.
• Issues and Perspectives of Subaltern Consciousness.
• Literature of Marginality: Dalit and African American Writings.
• Woman, Caste and Race.
• Constructions of Self.
• The Subaltern Consciousness and the Crisis of leadership.
• America and India: the Subaltern Renaissance.
• Politics of Empowerment and Subaltern issues.
• Traumatic Silences and the Silencing Processes.
• Any other topic relevant to the theme of the Conference.
• Towards Centre – The emerging middle class from the margins
For queries/ submissions: