29 July 2012

Call for Papers: South African Theatre Journal

The South African Theatre Journal (SATJ) is new to Routledge in 2011. It provides a leading forum for the academic discussion of issues relating to theatre, performance and the media, notably as these manifest themselves in Southern Africa and further afield on the African continent. SATJ features peer-reviewed articles on the history, theory and practice of the performing arts, as well as the methodology of theatre research and performance studies. It also incorporates theatre reports, book reviews, commentary, and play texts.

CO-EDITORS: Temple Hauptfl eisch and Petrus du Preez, both at University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

SUBMIT YOUR RESEARCH: Since it is a major aim of the journal to foster multi-cultural and inter-disciplinary studies in the field, contributions are invited from all engaged authors, irrespective of their particular institutional and disciplinary affi liations, or their specifi c theoretical and methodological perspectives. Authors can contact the Editors to discuss their research at satj@sun.ac.za

PRESENTATION OF MANUSCRIPTS: All manuscripts can be submitted by emailing the article preferably as a word-processor version (if possible in MS-WORD) to satj@sun.ac.za as well as a hard copy mailed to our postal address (South African Theatre Journal, Drama Department, Private Bag X1, Matieland, 7602, South Africa) and accompanied by an electronic (word-processor) version, preferably in MS-WORD, on some kind of recording device (CD, DVD). Only manuscripts and recording devices accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope will be returned, if found unsuitable for use in SATJ . The typing must be double-spaced with ample margin, on one side of the paper only. Single quotation marks are used throughout. The first page should contain the full title, the name(s) and full address(es) of the author(s). Under no circumstances will an article be published under a pseudonym. This page must also contain a short abstract (200 words in English). The abstract should be both suitable for separate publication and adequate for indexing. Start the article itself on a new page.

LANGUAGE: Articles will be accepted in ANY SOUTH AFRICAN LANGUAGE, but any article not in English must, in addition to the abstract referred to above, carry an extended English summary (500 – 1000 words) to facilitate information retrieval by international abstracting agencies.

Link: instruction to authors


For queries/ submissions: satj@sun.ac.za

Website: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rthj20/


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