Bacopa Literary Review is an annual print journal produced by the Writers Alliance of Gainesville. We seek a diversity of styles and perspectives in fiction, poetry, nonfiction/creative nonfiction and short fiction from around the world.
We are now accepting general submissions for Bacopa Literary Review 2013! All submissions must be unpublished in any form, including electronically. General submissions accepted June 1, through August 31, 2012.
- Manuscripts in English and unpublished.. (If your submission is accepted elsewhere please notify the Bacopa Editor.)
- No limit to the number of submissions from one person in any category.
- WAG membership is not required.
- For accepted manuscripts, WAG acquires first serial rights; upon publication, rights revert to the author. WAG requests that the Bacopa Literary Review be credited as original publisher for subsequent publications.
- Double-spaced
- One-inch margins, all sides with 0.5 paragrahp indent, left justified
- 12-point type in Times New Roman or Arial
- Name, address, email, telephone, title, word count and a brief (50 words) bio
- Title/Page Number upper right with word count under title/page number
- Submit the file in .doc or .rtf only
- Fiction and Creative Nonfiction Word limit: 1,000-3,300 words
- Short Fiction Word limit: up to 1,000 words
- Poetry: Up to 40 lines per poem, up to three poems per submission
- Poems need not be double-spaced
Only submissions following the above guidelines will be considered. Authors whose work is accepted for publication will be notified and will receive one free copy of the 2013 Bacopa Literary Review.
For queries:
For submissions: via submittable