Submissions are invited from June 1, 2012, from young Nigerian writers, aged 11 to 21 years, of children’s literature from all over the country for the Splendid Literature and Culture Foundation Series.
The aim of the Foundation is to produce imaginative children’s stories that will entertain, enlighten and appeal to children of ages 8 to 12 years, and encourage them to read. Above all, these stories are to stimulate the imagination of the readers to help them think of novel ways to do things.
The young writers should be resident in Nigeria and their stories should have strong Nigerian/African content.
All entrants’ works must be original, unaided and unpublished works of fiction in English. Plays and poems are not eligible.
The work should be between 3000 – 3500 words, typewritten, double spaced or legibly handwritten on numbered pages. Illegible entries will be disqualified.
Submissions will be assessed by the Foundation’s judges. Six suitable stories will be selected and published annually.
The usual royalty and publication terms will apply to every story published by the Foundation. The publishers reserve the customary rights regarding all publishing decisions.
The copyright of each entry will remain vested in the author unless otherwise agreed in writing between the entrant and the Foundation.
1. Include name, address, phone number and email address on the title page of the manuscript, with only the full name of entrant on each numbered page of the submission.
2. Entries must be submitted under the real name of the entrant. Pseudonyms may not be used.
3. Not more than one entry per entrant will be accepted.
4. Ensure that you attach your entry.
5. Email entries to OR submit six (6) copies of the entry manuscript at Splendid Literature & Culture Foundation: 31, Alhaji Tokan Street, Alaka Estate, Surulere, Lagos, P.O Box 7328, GPO, Lagos.
6. Submissions should be accompanied by evidence of Nigerian citizenship (photocopy of birth certificate, Nigerian passport or Nigerian ID Card).
7. The closing date for all entries is July 31, 2012.
8. Any entry that does not meet any of the conditions and the deadline will be disqualified.
9. Members and employees of the Splendid Literature & Culture Foundation are not eligible.
For queries/ submissions: