04 August 2012

Call for International Submissions for Fifth Issue: A Few Lines Magazine

A Few Lines Magazine, a print and web journal, is now looking for submissions for its fifth issue. We are a widely read journal with strong roots in Southern California. Poets from all over North America, as well as all over the world, have been published in all of our past issues, and we are seeking to expand our audience and body of contributors.

We accept poetry of most flavors and fiction that is expertly crafted. Our reading time is around one month and we read year-round, so the turnaround is quite fast.

So send us your work - we'd love to have the chance to review it. We encourage contributors to first become familiar with our work. All of our issues are free as PDF downloads.

GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSIONS: We only accept online submissions at this time. We welcome unsolicited and simultaneous submissions, so please feel free to send us your work. If your work is published by another magazine before we respond, please let us know. We do not accept work that has been previously published. The reading time is around two months, so please allow us the time to go over your submission; we closely read everything we receive.

SHORT STORIES: Fiction of 1,500 to 3,000 words will be considered for upcoming publications. We can only review one short story submission at a time. We will only read submissions that are 12-point readable font (i.e. Times New Roman, Ariel, etc.), double-spaced, and titled. We will only accept .doc or .docx Each submission must have a word count at the top. Do not include your name or association.

FLASH FICTION: Fiction of 350-850 words will be considered for upcoming publications. We will read 1-3 pieces of flash fiction per submission. We will only accept documents that are .doc or .docx We will only read submissions that are 12-point readable font (i.e. Times New Roman, Ariel, etc.), double spaced, titled, and electronically submitted. Each submission must have a word count at the top. Do not include your name or association.

POETRY: Please submit two to five poems at a time in a single document. No particular format is necessary, but please make it legible. We only accept .doc or .docx If for any reason you exceed 2,000 words, please say so in the e-mail. Do not include your name or association.

CREATIVE NON-FICTION/ESSAYS: Creative Non-Fiction and/or Essays of 2,000-5,000 words will be considered for upcoming publications. We can only review one essay per submitter every quarter. We will only read submissions that are 12-point readable font (i.e. Times New Roman, Ariel, etc.), double spaced, titled, and electronically submitted. Each submission must have a word count at the top. Do not include your name or association.


For queries: jfoster.editor@gmail.com

For submissions: via submittable

Website: http://www.afewlinesmagazine.com/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.