"Our Blogs & Blogging" with Akaliza, Eric1Key and Frank - Experiences Worth Sharing
Part of our series of workshops themed 'Experiences Worth Sharing" dedicated to encouraging peer-learning in various literacy areas, we are happy to invite you to our second workshop whose focus is on blogging.
We have invited Rwanda's most famous young bloggers, Akaliza Keza Gara and Eric Ngagare (widely known as Eric1Key) alongside Frank Abaho, a young entrepreneur who has an experience as freelance writer and editor.
During this workshop, participants will learn from presentations by our three speakers - and others - on how a blog can help writers and aspiring writers to develop proficiency in writing and publishing.
Being a website or part of a web site that functions as a journal, diary, or place to post ones thoughts and opinions pertaining to a particular subject matter, a blog may contain pictures, video, and/or audio clips.
This workshop will explain the differences between various kinds of blogs, introduce to you some hosting solutions, and show you how to set up your own blog using different online platforms and how to build readership.

Sign up here.
For queries/ submissions: email@youth-literacy.org
Website: http://www.youth-literacy.org