08 March 2013

Call for Entries: The Review of English Studies Essay Prize 2013 (£250 top prize | worldwide)

Deadline: 30 June 2013

The Review of English Studies was founded in 1925 to publish literary-historical research in all areas of English literature and the English language from the earliest period to the present. From the outset, RES has welcomed scholarship and criticism arising from newly discovered sources or advancing fresh interpretation of known material. Successive editors have built on this tradition while responding to innovations in the discipline and reinforcing the journal’s role as a forum for the best new research.

The Review of English Studies (RES) is pleased to continue the sponsorship of the RES Essay Prize, launched in 1999. The aim of The RES Essay Prize is to encourage fine scholarship amongst post-graduate research students in Britain and abroad. The essay can be on any relevant subject from the earliest period to the present.


The winner’s prize will consist of:
  • Publication of the winning essay in the June 2014 issue of The Review of English Studies
  • A cash prize of £250
  • £250 worth of Oxford University Press books
  • One year’s free subscription to RES
Other entries of sufficient quality may be invited to publish.


The entry requirements and rules are as follows:
  • The RES Essay Prize is open to anyone currently studying for a higher degree, in Britain or abroad, or to anyone who completed such a degree no earlier than October 2010, except employees of Oxford University Press and other persons connected to Oxford University Press
  • Essays are to be no longer than 10,000 words, inclusive of all footnotes and references
  • The closing date for entries will be 30 June 2013
  • The winner of the RES prize will be obliged to verify his or her status as a current or recent postgraduate student
  • Essays can be on any topic or period of English literature or the English language, provided that they fulfill the requirements of the editorial statement of The Review of English Studies, as reproduced above
  • Entries submitted to the RES Essay Prize must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere
  • It is a condition of entry that all entrants will be prepared to licence copyright in all media in their entries to Oxford University Press if accepted for publication
  • The dicision of the judges will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into by the Editors
  • No alternative prizes will be available
  • In the unlikely event that, in the judges’ opinion, the material submitted is not of a suitable standard, no prize or prizes will be awarded
  • All entries will be subject to the normal RES standards of referring and editorial review
Shortlisted entrants will be notified by 30 September 2013.


Submissions for the essay competition must arrive no later than 30 June 2013.

Please send your entries via the online submission system which you can find from the journal's homepage at www.res.oxfordjournals.org. Click on the ‘Submit Now’ link and select ‘Essay Prize’ from the drop-down menu in the ‘Manuscript Type’ box. If you need assistance regarding the online submission system, please click on the ‘Online Submission Instructions’ link.

It is the responsibility of the author to secure permission for the reproduction of illustrations and quotations from copyrighted material.

  • All material should be double spaced; leave ample margins (unjustified to the right) and number pages consecutively.
  • An abstract of about 200 words summarizing the main points of the submission should appear before the main text commences. When you submit your entry using the online submission system, please ensure you include your abstract in the separate box and also at the start of your essay. The abstract of the prize-winning essay will appear both in the journal and online.
  • Number footnotes consecutively throughout the paper. Notes will appear as footnotes in the published journal, but please use endnotes in your manuscript submission. An initial unnumbered footnote may be included giving brief acknowledgements. An initial unnumbered footnote may be included giving brief acknowledgements, but this should be omitted from the text for peer review.

Contributions should be presented in the house style of RES . References should be used sparingly, and follow the models:
  • For books: L. Danson, Wilde’s Intentions: The Artist in his Criticism (Oxford, 1997)
  • For articles: Alison Smith, ‘Becoming a Historian’, RES, 51 (1998), 44-52.
Subsequent references should use surname and short title (not ‘op. cit.’ or author’s surname only). For a full style guide, please refer to Hart’s rules.


For queries: Thomas Keymer, General Editor, at thomas.keymer@utoronto.ca

For submissions: via the online submission system

Website: http://res.oxfordjournals.org/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.