Writing South Africa Now is a new collective of research students and scholars based in the English Faculty at the University of Cambridge. It is committed to the literary critical study of South Africa in the broadest of terms, with interests ranging widely from the contemporary novel, the short story, and creative non-fiction, through to oral history narratives, testimonial theatre, and documentary film. Motivated by an ambition to make new critical voices from within the UK heard, Writing South Africa Now is delighted to announce its call for papers to be delivered at its inaugural colloquium to be held in Cambridge on Tuesday, July 2nd 2013.
The convenors invite proposals from postgraduate students and early-career scholars engaged in research on any aspect of the field of South African literary studies. Writing South Africa Now particularly encourages proposals that have as their focus, however, the work of writers, directors or creative practitioners seen to have emerged in the decades since the nation’s first democratic elections as well as those that attempt to draw into focus work from the more distant past that has been neglected or occluded from critical scrutiny. Proposals that explore the complications of the ‘now’ in a critical landscape that often simplifies or elides any substantive scholarly or social distinction to a ‘then’ would be equally welcome. The convenors do not seek to limit otherwise the range of topics available for discussion and are eager for proposals that will broaden the categories by which we understand the field. South Africa’s literary terrain, as the recent 'Cambridge History of South African Literature' attests, continues to yield a rich crop of literary work from a diverse range of linguistic, ethnic, geographic, economic, and even national backgrounds that continue to exceed and overflow the bounds of our former knowledge. Writing South Africa Now intends this colloquium to be a space in which emerging scholars can present and debate this new material. It hopes this may forge new critical directions for the field and construct significant individual and institutional scholarly links to the profit of future research.
The extended deadline for proposals Monday, April 8th, 2013. Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words, including your name and institutional affiliation, to:
The convenors aim to notify all speakers whose proposals are accepted within a week of the new deadline and will provide further details of the arrangements for the day, including options for accommodation, at this time.
There is no cost for attendance and Writing South Africa Now warmly welcomes all those interested by the ambitions of the colloquium to attend as a generous provision of time has been allocated for discussion. We kindly request those not giving a paper to confirm their attendance at least one month in advance. A reminder, detailing the specific times and location for the event, will be sent out nearer the time.
Details of the event and the timetable for the day will also be available through Writing South Africa Now’s webpage .
Any questions or queries, please contact the convenors.
For queries/ submissions: writingsouthafricanow@gmail.com
Website: http://writingsouthafricanow.wordpress.com/