- Runs the Business Day-Financial Mail joint newsroom;
- Contributes to news gathering and production discussions on both publications across print, web and wire;
- Adjudicates allocation of news-gathering resources;
- Takes responsibility for the news content of both publications; and
- Ensures both publications improve their market share and competitiveness.
- Minimum 10 years' experience as a journalist and five years' newsroom management experience;
- A sound understanding of:
- The business and political landscape at home and abroad;
- Business and financial matters;
- Current affairs;
- Broad general knowledge;
- Impeccable news sense;
- An astute understanding of the needs of the combined Business Day-Financial Mail-BD Live audience; and
- Excellent written and verbal English.
- Visualise story treatment across news platforms and titles and commission appropriately;
- Communicate clearly and succinctly; and
- Direct and manage a large, diverse and creative team calmly under pressure.
Via: bizcommunity
For queries/ submissions: Terry Shapiro at shapirot@bdfm.co.za
Website: http://www.bdlive.co.za/, http://www.fm.co.za/