21 March 2013

Welcomes Submissions Worldwide - Coldnoon: Travel Poetics

Coldnoon: Travel Poetics is a print and online literary journal. All works published in www.coldnoon.com are automatically selected for publication in its print edition. Every two online quarterly issues of Coldnoon combine into a bi-yearly print issue.

Coldnoon will share the copyright of all the works it publishes, along with the authors of those works, unless the given work is a solicited republication. In case, the author wishes to republish his/her work after been published first in Coldnoon, s/he must explicitly acknowledge this.


Write on experiences of travel in your work. Do not use imaginary travel as a subject. Versifying, or theorizing from travel guide books is a welcome option as long as we do not perceive it as ostensibly derived.

Submit at least five poems in MS Word document with a proper statement in the body of your email confirming yourself as the writer. Kindly refrain from identifying yourself except providing us your name and place of stay. We will not be interested in any other details, especially biographical, which may lead to your poems being summarily rejected. Ensure that the poems are proofread and submitted in the desired lineation.

Coldnoon is now also accepting non fiction contributions in the forms criticism and reviews pertaining to the subject of “Poetry in travel, Travel poetry and the Poetics of Travel”. The non fiction works may be based on literature, cinema, culture, etc. Submit a full length essay not less than 2500 words, or review not less than 1500 words.

Format your paper on standard A4 (8.3*11.7 sq. inch) paper, with 1 inch margin on each side. Citations if any (in case of non- fiction) should be in MLA format. Use endnotes instead of footnotes. Also check your paper for proper indentation before submitting. The works will be checked stringently for plagiarism; avoid any whatsoever. Attach your submissions as MS Word documents only. We do not accept submissions in (.pdf) or other formats.

Along with the submission also attach your biographical details of not more than 100 words. Email your submissions to: submissions@coldnoon.com

We now receive submissions throughout the year. Do allow us 6-8 weeks of time to read your work and get back to you. We may frequently require editing your work for which your consultation will be necessary.


For queries/ submissions: submissions@coldnoon.com

Website: http://www.coldnoon.com


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.